
Does stress interrupts growth?

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  1. it can actually....

  2. woah i dont know but im like always stressed out and im short... ahahahahahah :P

  3. It depends, if yer really stressed , u will start to eat bad, which will interrupt yer growth. If yer not that stressed and you still do what u do to be healthy, it doesn't interrupt, hope this helped.

  4. Yes.  If you injure yourself and are under a great deal of stress it will take you much longer to heal,  so to as far as physical growth goes though it doesn't totally explain why some are tall and others not.  Stress only has an influence upon it.  Genetics are most important.  But say, if you lose a fingernail and are under much stress it could take an indefinite amount of time to regrow.

    If a person is under a great deal of stress they may not grow as well intellectually or emotionally.

    Plants are like-wise negatively effected by stress.

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