
Does stretching before a jog/walk/run help you last longer?

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I havn't been very physical or played sports for like 2 years since I have a desk job now. I recently decided to start doing some cardio to burn some belly fat, but right now I don't last very long running or jogging. I usually last maybe about 3mins jogging and a little less running before my legs start burning. So I was wondering does stretching before going out for a run help you last longer? And if theres anything else I can do to improve my run time, that'd also be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.




  1. Since you are starting to get back into running, start slow.

    Something like 3 minutes jog, 1 minute walk for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a week would be a good start.

    For stretching....the answer is a yes and a no.

    It depends what stretch you are doing.

    I'll explain.

    Static Stretching :                    

    Is not good before a run, so do not do it. Your muscles have not yet fully "function" yet, so static stretching would be a waste.

    BUT static stretching is important AFTER the run. Make sure to spend 5-10 minutes after every run doing static stretching. This will prevent injury and leave your legs less sore/tired the next day.

    On the other hand

    Dynamic Stretching

    Is what you should be doing BEFORE a run. This will help you get your body "loose" and ready for the run.

    Examples would be:

    1. Arm swings (Foward and Backwards)

    2. Neck Rolls

    3. Knee Hogs (Hug your knee to your chest - body straight)

    4. Leg swings (Holding on to a pole or fence)

    Those are just some light examples, but I'm sure you can find more dynamic stretching by googling it.

    So there you have it, some stretching are good for before runs, and some are good for after runs. Just make sure you do the right ones at the right times.

    Good luck!

  2. stretches, loosen up the muscles allowing for more blood with fresh oxygen to flow through.  warms up the muscle to allow for easier movements, lowers chance of damage.

    start slow, end slow - your not in a race

    develop a breathing technique of your own

    get more motivated

    take a ipod on a run

    time your runs and try to beat your times

  3. Definitely and before u start id advise warming up a bit by like jogging in place or anything to get ur heart going!!!

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