
Does swimming help you loose weight? Oh I need a boyfriend. Whoever answers this your my new boyfriend.?

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Does swimming help you loose weight? Oh I need a boyfriend. Whoever answers this your my new boyfriend.?




  1. in a way yes but swimming is not the best way to lose weight.  If your concern is to lose weight fast, do some running instead. with your new boyfriend of course!

  2. yes swimming does make you get straightened out and loose weight but only if you do laps constanttly very fast and fierce=]

  3. Yes is does but like any exercise variation is the key. Don't always do the same style, lengths etc. Vary it as your body gets used to repetition and finds easier ways to complete the task so keep challenging your body and mix up the combinations. Doing the same thing will make you toned and increase strength thus not the key for weight loss. But weight isn't the best guide to use clothes size is cause muscle weights more than fat.

  4. To answer accurately, your new bf must know several things:: your weight - 70, 90, 110 kg or more: your availability to swim 4-6 times weekly; how much u wish to reduce; ability to swim the front-crawl?

    But nevermind, u get the picture. All you need is the passion and will to put in a lot of time and hard work. The reason why the front crawl is chosen over the breast-stroke is because it needs a greater effort to swim and thus you get a better work-out. Unless you have attained a high proficiency in other strokes and you can swim fast.

    Swim daily for 4-6 days, 45 mins to one and half hours at a time. Ensure you drink some water before and after each session. Once you can manage more than 5 laps continuously, aim for 10, 20 and more. Take your weight every fortnightly and you should see encouraging results. It would be interesting to take full-body photos at the beginning of the programme and every 3 monthly. Eat a healthy diet and have adequate sleep.

    In 6 mths, if you follow it diligently, you should see a brand new you! Be proud,  post on Youtube for me to see n  Cheers!!       But the 'nose must be constantly on the grindstone.....'

  5. Alrighty so swimming is cardio. Cardio helps you lose weight (in theory). You may become more toned and gain  weight. I have been swimming for 7 years on a usa swim team and i am 157 lbs. but i  dont look it at all and i am super healthy so i recomend it.

  6. It helps you lose wieght because you work every muscle in your body for swimming. But you have to remember not to eat a lot after you swim

  7. I am trying to lose weight by swimming, but my problem is my mind starts to wander and I get lazy and start checking out the scenery at the pool, so I can't seem to lose any weight swimming but my dedication is not that great.

    I think swimming is a great excercize and in theory it should help you lose weight, if you are dedicated..

    So do you live in Minnesota off chance?

  8. Is the boyfriend position taken yet? I need a girlfriend!

  9. hah...weird description! lol and yes it does loose weight. Alot actually because you are working out every muscle in your body! So if your doing it...keep doing it!

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