Well, I'm just kind of obsessed and paranoid about something because I never realized I looked a certain way until I started taking pictures like directly at my face. If I take them at about arm's length away, I look weird and stuff. My face shape looks deformed. My face looks so thin, big at the top, small at the bottom, and my lips and nose are the main things on my face. If I look in the mirror, it looks more fuller and squarer. It's like I can see the big picture, but I feel like that's not what other people see. They must see what's in the camera a few feet away. Can the camera put too much focus on me?
When I set the timer, and step a few feet away, I look more like what I look like in the mirror. It's like everything is focused equally, including the backround, if that makes sense.
Is it just that the picture is making a certain effect, or am I ugly from up close, but normal looking like three feet away?