
Does taking birth control effect you in the long run when you want to have babies.?

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Does taking birth control effect you in the long run when you want to have babies.?




  1. My aunt took it all through college and than when she and her hubby wanted kids it was really hard, but thankfully they where able to pregnant with one child, but they really wanted more. So yes I think it does.

  2. Women who have used IUDs long-term may take longer to get pregnant than those who have used other methods, but by 18 months after stopping birth control, birth rates are similar.  The complicating factor is that women who use IUDs vs. barrier methods vs. oral contraceptives have other differences in health risks, so it's difficult to compare directly.  

  3. Yes!  

    When the babies become 70 they turn into cantankerous angry trolls!  

  4. it just takes a long time to come off it. It might be 6 months to a year before you can have kids. Me and my wife were able after 2 1/2  months.

  5. No, it just takes a bit of time to get it out of your system completely and then there is absolutely no problem in getting pregnant. Actually I heard after you are off birth control for 2 months you can get pregnant really easily.  

  6. no. unless its the plasic thingy that the docter puts in

  7. yes

  8. I don't think so, but it has been said that the over use of hormones can contribute to sexual identity problems in offspring of the user.

    However, the risks seem minimal and the benefits are great.  THE PILL only came around in the 1960's and both my sisters took it and their children seem fine.  

    If you are asking if it keeps you from getting pregnant, I say no.  The pills actually keep your body in a state of pregnancy and that's why you don't get pregnant.  As soon as you stop taking the pill, you will be able to get pregnant unless there is something else wrong.  

  9. no

  10. I think it depends on the taker, like how they react to certain chemicals. I would consult a physician and have it prescribed before taking anything.

  11. That seriously depends on the form of birth control you are on. There are many studies on each...  

  12. it might

  13. No, I was on the pill for 12 years straight. I stopped taking it in January when we wanted to try  for a baby and was pregnant in April. It just needs a couple months to leave your system fully before you can conceive. Good Luck

  14. I was on the depo shot for 4 years and in that time i never once had a period or even had breakthrough bleeding. Once i stopped taking it i became pregnant 11 months later.

  15. Yeah taking birth control pills can effect sometimes

  16. I was taking the pill and was pregnant within 2 weeks of stopping the pill and that happened twice!

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