
Does taking garlic supplements work as well or even close to the real thing

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Garlic is a potent blood thinner, and antibiotic. However, when eating garlic in your food the process of masticating it crushes it together and this is what produces the active ingredient, allicin. Since youre not chewing the garlic pill, are you getting the active ingredient?




  1. With garlic supplements they've removed the need to chew it to activate that all-important ingredient.  In actuality, makers of garlic supplements frequently pack way more allicin into their products than we could get just eating little bits of it here and there which is why it's so potent.  In essence they create it through the oxidation of diallyldisulfide...which is probably more useless of an explanation than you really need.  So enjoy your garlic if you're into that sort of thing (like me and my fiance...we LOVE garlic) OR if you just want to improve your health without that funny smell...pop a few Kwai garlic tabs with your morning daily vitamin.

  2. With reputable companies like Kwai, yes, you are getting the full benefit as if you were eating the garlic and, in fact, they are more potent than what most of us would get eating the raw garlic.

    This is going to sound a bit gross but women can use garlic to fight yeast infections by putting cut up pieces of garlic in their, uh, you-know-where. Naturally, in those cases, the women should use real garlic and not stick supplements in there.  

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