
Does taking pain meds help in appendicitis?

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Last night i was in excruciating pain for about 4 hours. i took some pain meds and it subsided enough for me to sleep. Now the pain is starting to come back. it is in my lower right side and feels like someone is stabbing me. is it possible i have appendicitis?




  1. Go to the ER.

  2. It could be  appendicitis and it could be not , the only way to know is going to the hospital and have a proper clinical examination, pain meds will not cure appendicitis , the pain may decrease a little but will come back again.

  3. Whatever it  s, if I was in that much pain I would rather be in hospital, no matter what the meds did.  I am a scardy cat and would rather be under medical care.  My daughter would have rung for help if i was in lots of pain anyway!

  4. Yes, it's very possible.  The pain meds will help with the pain but you still need to go get it checked out because if it is appendicitis you want to have it out before it ruptures.  If your appendix ruptures it is a much more serious surgery and you are at high risk for developing an infection.

  5. you need to go to the doctor, pain meds may help the pain, but you are having pain for a reason, and if it is appendicitis that is fatal, best thing to do is to go to the doctor asap!

  6. I'm no doctor or specialist but I do know  that you should go to hospital & get checked out cause if your appendic's burst, it's FATAL

  7. Go to the hospital hun! I had that when I was 6, and in women its in your right risde, in men its the left. You really need to go to the hospital because if it burst, you could die, please go! Is it hard to walk? if so then you definetley have it!

    Chances are if you still have it after the pain meds, it is. You have me worried girl. Please go, it will only get worse, I almost died from mine. Call a friend or 911 to take you but do it asap.

  8. If you think that you have appendicitus, you must go to a doctor because of the risk of it bursting and leaking toxins into the rest of you.

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