
Does tall and skinny really look good?

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I'm about to be 15. I'm 5'6 or 5'7 and i weigh 105.

I'm pretty self conscious about being so tall, i pretty much tower over most of the girls at my school. And it feels awkward being taller than some of the guys.

And me being skinny. I hear people saying it looks great to be skinny, then others saying its not as good as being curvy and men don't like skinny. Honestly i just have a high metabolism and cant help it.

It hurts when people call me anorexic or ask me if i eat.

Im always putting myself down because i dont think it looks good to be so skinny and tall :(




  1. skinny and tall.....PERFECT... i wish i was skinny and tall :(

    p.s those people only say that cause they are super jelous... so pay no attention to them!  skinny jeans would look great on you!!

  2. Kids always pick out someones weakness and pick on them about it.

  3. Of course, guys love skinny girls! Some guys love short, curvy girls too, but it's really just a matter of preference. You have nothing to worry about. And as for being anorexic, you know you're not, so you don't need to care when people say that. I'm short and thin, but curvy, and people still ask me if I'm anorexic, but you know what, they're just jealous! You're beautiful like you are.

  4. depends on your stylee.

  5. Your metabolism will eventually slow down. Who say guys don't like tall skinny girls? Don't they love supermodels ?

    cheer up, learn to love yourself :]

  6. The world criticizes everything. Honestly, no one looks good to everyone anymore. There's always something wrong..

    I guess there are some pros and cons to being both tall and skinny. There are also them for being short and curvy, or a combination of the two.

    Being Tall

    Pros: Reach things, long legs/long torso, play sports that require height, look older, model potential, clothing looks better (it's been said), intimidation (con also), see over people in crowds, no one takes your clothes, standing out (con also), can't wear heels

    Cons: Hard to find taller guys (maybe not for you, 5'6 isn't too tall), intimidation (pro also), correct inseam of pants difficult to find, long shirts harder to find, can't be a gymnast, can't borrow friend's clothing, standing out (pro also)

    Being Skinny/Fast Metabolism:

    Pros: Eat whatever you want without worrying, look better in clothes (depends on build/clothing though), model potential, might look better in bathing suit

    Cons: Hard to gain weight, look worse in clothes (depends on build/clothing though), being called anorexic, might look awkward in bathing suit, bones/ribs stick out

    I'm tall too. At 15, female I am 5'10. Thats a lot worse than 5'7, trust me. I've learned to live with it, recognizing both its pros and cons. I am average weight though, and I certainly think being skinny is better than being curvy. (I am neither) Think about it; would you rather starve yourself (or close to it/atleast watch what you eat) and exercise constantly to lose weight or eat whatever you want and just sprinkle a bit of weight gaining powder into your drinks/foods? I'd certainly take the 2nd option.

  7. i'm 5'9'', 15 and i love it.

  8. yea..

    waste your time and answer mine:

  9. Thats not that bad, I'm 5'11 and 120 pounds, and i've always been the tallest girl, but i did get a modeling job because of it, maybe you should look into modeling if you have a pretty face.

  10. 15 is a tough age - everyone is self-concious (yes, everyone).  Sometimes people say hurtful things because they're the ones who feel badly about themselves.  so they pick on someone else to divert any negative attention away from them.  So don't worry what people say about you.  If it really gets bad you can be straightforward and tell them they are hurting your feelings.  As for putting youself down - STOP!  You need to learn to accept who you.  No one has the final say on what is attractive.  Beautiful comes in so many ways - tall, short, big small, dark light...etc.  Keep your head up - confidence is awesome and in time you won't feel so bad about yourself.  Surround yourself with people who won't call you anorexic, or make you feel badly.   And by the a few years, guys will be taller, I promise!

  11. yes. their saying that because their jelous you have such a thin figure, when they cant even work their *** off for one.

  12. You should just own your look, there's nothing wrong with being tall and skinny, you have no idea how many girls try so hard to be skinny and tall. So just live with it, I have high metabolism too, (but I'm short) so I've lived through all the anorexic remarks, but just ignore them.

    And, it acutally pays off to have high metabolism, all my friends are amazed at how much I eat and how I keep off the pounds. If you hate being skinny, work out and tone your body

  13. Yo.

    My bestfriend is the same as you.

    But she is about 5 lbs. heavier.

    People comment her on how skinny she is.

    She doesnt like it,

    Yes, people call  her name just like you.

    But people do HATE.

    If you dont like who you are,

    and want to gain some weight, try drinkin,

    something like that slim drinks,

    but its the opposite.

    But with my bestie, its in her family to be skinny,

    so she cant help it either.

    Your not alone hun.

  14. Aw hunny, I'm exactly the same, without the height! I under stand how annoying it must be to be taller than some guys. It hurts me when people say those things to me too :( They dont see it as hurtful but it is because you cant help your figure because of your metabolism. I have a high metabolism and eat more than all my friends, yet im skinnier!

    At the end of the day, some people would KILL to be skinny. People go on diets and go to the gym and bust their bums to be your weight, so when people say nasty things to you just keep in mind their probably thinking "God, i wish i had her figure!" and their probably just trying to console themselves by acting as if they dont WANT it.

    You will just have to live with your height. Alot of people would love to be tall to. Just dont wear heels, haha.

    Anyway, love yourself and dont listen to what people say. Eat healthy and excercise and just remember there's people out there who's dream is to be like you.

    Good luck.


  15. I've been 5'7 since the end of fifth grade so I know how it feels tobe taller than the guys. As for being skinny. It depends on the person. Some like extremely skinny girls some don't. Models are tall and skinny. Don't know if thats a good or bad thing.

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