
Does tattoos really hurt?

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Does tattoos really hurt?




  1. yes. you bleed a little too but it really depends on how good you are with pain...imagine getting a shot over and over and over its like that

  2. I have two tattoos, one on my lower back and one on my ankle, and neither one of them hurt.  Mine didn't bleed at all after they were done and didn't scab over either.  If you have a higher tolerance for pain and really want a tattoo, its not going to bother you at all.

  3. Yes

  4. Tatoos can sometimes be painfull when applied, but usually the pain eases after the first few insertions, (as if your bodies pain signaler gives up). More discomfort and itchyness follows post tattooing, with skin scabbing, and in extreme cases, a very severe alergic reaction. For more information regarding tattoos, and is it really for you, contact the the national institute of tatooing. Remember, tatoos are really for life, unless you can afford laser removal, never be pushed or persuaded to have a tatoo and certainly never have one whilst under the influence of alcohol. Many people have tatoos stating their love for a partner, only to part later and regret they had them. Some employers frown upon visible tatoos, so keep them well hidden under clothing. If you do decide to want one, make sure the tatooist is regestered. Avoid having tatoos abroad, where there are less regulations imposed.

  5. It feels like a small scratch is all and they only do little pieces at a time that it is easy to get through them. Some spots hurt worse then others but they are bareable. I know some people have fainted, but most don't it's really not bad the needles are little and they barely scrape at your skin, barely enough to make it tender. The touch up will hurst worse then the actual tattoo.

  6. Yes.

    though that "pain" factor varies on a few things.

    1. The person pain tolerance

    2. The area of which the tattoo is to be placed.

    For the answer to 1 many people have different tolerances. I know people who thought that a cartilage was unbearable and others who didn't feel a thing. Every person differs on how they will take pain to a certain part of their body.

    For number 2 the fleshier the part the less it will actually sting but it will have a buzzing feeling which is really annoying i think. On an area close to the bone it WILL hurt. I have a tattoo on my hip and the part on the bone hurt a lot but hate part off the bone wasn't so bad.

    Recommended when getting one to bring something to squeeze it helps alot. And saves your friends hand lol.

  7. I have four tattoos and only one of them was painful (which was the one on the inside of my foot)

    While I was having them done, it felt like bee stings and then it was a dull ache for about 2 hours before it felt 'normal'.

    So they do hurt slightly but worth it.  

  8. Yep.  It's gonna hurt.  You can handle it.  If feels like a scratch.

  9. Honestly. Mine didn't hurt that bad. I got it on my side, and it was more of an annoying pain. I don't know why everyone says it hurts so bad.

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