
Does tea and coffee really stunt your growth??

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Does tea and coffee really stunt your growth??




  1. No.

  2. well i hope not, i drink about 5 cups of tea a fairly tall so i dont think it does. its more of an old myth. if  your eating healthily and enjoy tea and coffee then it wont do any harm :) if however your diet was poor and you had excessive caffeine this combination could stunt growth but its not the tea and coffee by itself at all.

    tea is supposedly a little better than coffee as it has less caffeine and is apparently good for your heart woo!

  3. yes i think it does because of the very high caffine content...

  4. Well, how old are you, female? If so, you have growth potential until around 26 then it declines there on out. If you are neglecting calcium while only consuming caffeine drinks then yes, but that is not a direct affect of the drinks themselves.

  5. If you are getting enough nutrients otherwise, no... But the problem is that many people substitute milk and juice with those caffeinated beverages.  Get your nutrients and you should be fine:)

  6. No, it doesnt.

    its just an old saying, that parents would say to there kids so they dont drink it.

  7. no  who ever told you that is lieing to you

  8. no, i drink coffee everyday and im 5'9

  9. coffee does but tea doesn't

  10. anything in moderation is fine ,

  11. No science I've seen suggesting they stunt growth.

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