
Does telekinesis ACTUALLY exist?

by  |  earlier

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It hasn't been, completely ruled out, according to some people, but other people say that there's no such thing? Anyone know? lol




  1. Telekinesis has never been demonstrated in a controlled experiment.

  2. Isn't it strange how people can't make something move this way..but spirits/ghosts/ poltergeists can make things fly!! ??

    Maybe...if anyone has ever made anything move by telekinesis..maybe it wasn't them at all..maybe it was a spirit moving it. And, maybe spirits don't "perform" for skeptics.

  3. Try this website

  4. It exists as an idea or theory, but it has not been proved as a fact.

  5. We can't ever rule anything out completely.  But since people have been claiming the ability for hundreds of years and none of them were ever able to demonstrate it when they were kept from cheating, we can safely say that no, telekinesis doesn't appear to exist.

  6. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis in the scientific research literature and there is evidence for it's existence (been demonstrated and experimental evidence gathered from scientific experiments) that has been established since the 1930's from many repeated experiments by many people for many years.

    However, please be aware that we are talking about effects that are over chance (barely) and the effects are so small that statistical analysis is required to see the results.

    This research is done on effecting objects in motion like thrown dice, random number generators and decaying radioactive particles, not on flying or levitating cars over your head.

    I have included links to some of the actual scientific literature.


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