
Does telepathy exist?

by  |  earlier

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Can people really hear what other people are saying?




  1. im a twin so...

  2. i really don't believe they hear what others are saying. i think that once you know someone so well you can tell what they are thinking by their body language...i do how ever believe in connections with love ones in danger through gut feelings and dreams. i have seen this happen many times.

  3. Yes, I can tell you that I know it exists and I'll leave it at that.

  4. yes

  5. telepathy does exist. it  works because some people are more receptive to energies. When you pass by someone, you exchange energie through the aura. Some people get a taste in there mouth, or see colors or feelings in their heads. It all varies depending on how people sense energies. Yes some people hear it in their head or outside.

  6. Yes it DOES exist. Special talents DO exist and we ALL have them... i don't expect people to hear thought, move ovjects guess the future just in a second! Our talents are not developed in yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars. That's why they are so low.... But they DO exist u also have at least one even if u haven't even guessed it!

  7. Exist yes.Telepathy is the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.It does not mean to hear what other people are is like intuition.

  8. Yes it does exist and our ancestors used this method of communication for tens of thousands of years, until the invention of the modern Gods...The Australian Aborigine were among the last people/s on earth to use telepathy, then along comes White Man with his Bible and his man made God and they destroyed a unique culture in the name of this God....I say to the Christian h**l with those and any-other White Men who think they did the right thing...

    Yours In Light... )O(  
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