
Does telepathy(thought reading) exist?if it does, is there any institute which does experiments on it?

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does telepathy(thought reading) exist?if it does, is there any institute which does experiments on it?




  1. In a limited sense - various machines can pick up brain-waves and have a stab at interpretting them. The results are vague, and prfoundly unreliable.

    As to whether one human can read another's mind - no. We do not have any sensory equipment suited to the task.

    Bear in mind there's an open prize of one million dollars to anyone who can *prove* any sort of paranormal ability; the fact that people do it at fairgrounds for a fiver a go rather than claim the big bucks tends to suggest they're not legit.

    EDIT: if you want to reda about the US military's attempts at using psychic powers, find a copy of 'The Men Who Stare At Goats'.

  2. In Russia, during the "Cold War", an experiment was performed in which two men were connected to EEG machines - in separate cities, a long distance apart - at the same time.

    Person A was told to look at an image and mentally "send" it to person B.  SO he did.

    Person B did not CONSCIOUSLY get the image that person A sent to him, however, at the precise time of the attempt, and throughout its duration, BOTH men showed EXACTLY THE SAME brain wave pattern!

    The invention of the EEG machine has PROVEN that the brain transmits measurable energy pulses.  Knowing that it is a sending unit, it is not a huge leap of logic to assume it is also a receiving unit.  So why DON'T we all communicate mentally?  Why did person B get person A's message ONLY at a subconscious level and NOT consciously?

    I believe it is a combination of factors.

    Think about how radio, "wi-fi", cell phones and tv work.

    For a receiver to pick up a signal, it has to be tuned to the same frequency as the sending unit, and each person's frequency range is slightly different.  Because our frequencies are in a constant state of flux - changing by the micro-second.  

    Every once in a while one's own frequency will cross that of someone else, and those are the rare, fleeting moments when we know what that person is going to say or do next - or we think they said something when they were only thinking it.

    Everyone's own frequency range is unique to them as an individual, but some people's bandwidths will slightly overlap at one end of their energy spectrum or the other.  That is when, if both happen to hit on the exact same frequency at the exact same moment, one of those remarkable sparks of mental communication will occur.

    The stronger the signal, the more likely it is to be received.  I believe that extreme emotion and/or physical pain can boost the amplitude of the signal, and that is why some people can pick up on disasters or other people's personal traumas, but nothing else.

    To practice telepathy on a regular controlled basis, the pair involved would have to be able to "tune" their frequencies so that they matched, and then hold them steady there for the duration of the mental conversation, and I do not think we have the ability to do that.  Even the rare cross-connections that happen spontaneously, last for scarcely fractions of seconds.

    I don't know of anyone who is studying this right now, but I think that is probably a good thing.  It is one of those things that could do great harm in the wrong hands and such things always DO manage to find their into those "wrong hands" despite all the best efforts to avoid that happening.

  3. No.

  4. There has never been any evidence from proper, rigorous scientific experiment, that telepathy is a real phenomenon.

  5. In Russia and USA they have massive secrecy and experiments involving among things telepathy.

  6. yes I reckon it does, and at the moment, computers have definitely made a start.

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