
Does that mean I lost all my money?

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For example..I bought shares wid $5000 and due to some reasons the prices of the shares lam holding drops...then does this means I lost all my money or I can still make it by selling them when the prices will rise?

And if l go for long term investment for a certain period and as soon as I Invested, it ran in losses and then made some profit.....can I still hope for getting back my money at the end of period?




  1. Never invest in anything you don't understand. What you've done is no different than gambling.

    Take a year. Read a lot of books on investing.

    A good starter book(s);

    Investing For Dummy's

    Mutual Funds For Dummy's

    You're not a dummy. You just made a very typical mistake. For your own sake... don't do it again.

    Investing in stocks takes a little work. 40% or more of your stock picks can fail..... it's the profits on the other picks that will make you money. Learn about investing!

  2. If you invested with 5000, and the prices dropped and your account value gets to, say, 2000 then you lost 3000. But you can always hope it goes up again. Or you could sell and take the 2000.

  3. you only make or lose money when you actually sell the stock -as long as the stock doesn't drop to zero, you won't lose ALL you money. to break even,, the stock would have to go back up over the original price by enough to recover the sales commissions you paid when you bought AND sold the stock

  4. it doesn't sound like you lost "all" your money. But you can lose some of your money if you sell at a price that is lower than the price you paid when you bought it. You can wait til the price comes back up and get your money back.

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