
Does that mean someone else is using my phone line?

by  |  earlier

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It happened several times already.

When I was on the phone talking to someone,

I hear dialling tone as some one was dialling on an extention.

First I thought it was the other end,

but no, it was not.

Besides, it happened during my conversation with several

So it must be my end.

I tried to ask 'who is dialling the phone?'

no one spoke, but the dialling action stopped after I asked.

After the first several times,

I cancelled my longdistance phone call function

to prevent theft calling charges on my phone bill.

But now it is happening again and

that makes me very uncomfortable.

Does that mean someone is using my phone line?

How can I find out?

I live in an appartment,

I am with Qwest.

Really like to find out what is happening.




  1. sometimes the lines just get crossed, probably be ok but if it bothers you any more i'd ring Qwest and ask for a print out of your out going calls and ask them to check your bill.

  2. it means someone is listening to ur conversation whenever u talk 2 somebody. this can be dangerous. so if i was u, i would cut off the phone til i find out 4 sure wats happening or even call the police. good luck!

  3. idk what to tell you (sry) but, wow, that's kinda creepy.  i know that sometimes your line can get messed up with a wireless phone, that happoned to me.  my neighbor somehow picked up to my conversation.  weird.  hope you can fix it.

  4. There is a device out that will turn off your phone line when some one is using your line on another phone check with RADIO SHACK or your phone Co.When you are on the line and some one lifts the phone up it goes dead.I use to have one.Get your phone Co. to check it out..

  5. Can they hear you?  Does it seem somewhat muted, when you hear the dial tone and their conversation?

    Did you get any wrong charges on your phone bill?

    I'm guessing that you simply have a slight crossed connection.  They are talking on their phone line and you are talking on yours and somewhere in the phone company switching, there is a slight crossed connection.  

    In an apartment complex, the phones are changed constantly and this could result in wires getting a bit close to each other.

    If you aren't getting additional charges that are not yours, I wouldn't worry about it.

  6. lol, same thing happened to me..sort of.

    I picked up the phone to call a friend and the next thing i knew, somone who wasn't even in my house was having a conversation with another person.

    even though when i talked, they couldn't hear me, i still listened to their conversation for about 10 minutes :P

  7. Very scary situation you are in..sorry....

    Ok, since you live in an aprtment it is very possible that someone with knoledge of phone lines, or simple read an article on an undergrund website about phone line tampering figured out how to tap into your line. Obviusly no one elese is in the room with you, like a robber (i hope!) So im assuming they got into the box that has all of your phone cords from the apartmet. They may have devised som sort of splitter and are tapping tinto your line. My best bet is to ask other neightbors if they are noticing this, and to definatly contact your landlord to check out the lines

    hope this helps :)

  8. YES.. people in the basement have access to your phone lines, if you hear that again you should IMMEDIATELY call the cops to have them investigate it

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