
Does that mushy in love feeling last? How can you tell if your in love?

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Ive just broken up with my partner of about 18months. I love him. I dont know if i am in love with him. I know that he loves me and im starting to think i didnt give him a proper to chance to sort himself out. Im moving back in with my mum in a few weeks when the lease runs out....mum and i are super close but im starting to realise that when i go to her for advice about my partners she just tells me to leave them bascially... I think shes just scared of loosing me and wants me to move back with her. Now im not sure if i made this decision because its what i want or because ive heard it so much off her i just think its what i want. What should i do? Im so confused?




  1. For me it last forever, for guys about 3 months.   It also takes a lot of being rude and mean to me to have me finally get the feeling the relationship is not a good thing.   My last bf cheated on me 8 times in 4 years.  I finally got the hint that it was not going to work.  

    You should never move in with someone you are not sure you are in love with.  I doubt your mom enjoys you bouncing back into her home each time your love life does not work out.

  2. First of all, there is no real way to tell if you're in love.  Love is an abstract concept and is very difficult to explain because it differs on a case-by-case basis.  However, if you think you love someone you can still be in a relationship with him and live with your mom.  How are the two related (living with your mom and being with him)?  I will tell you though, that mushy feeling does NOT last forever.  After about a year and half or two years the mushy feeling will fade but if you still love someone and enjoy spending time with him then you might want to see where it leads.

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