
Does the AKC DNA testing for my dog tell me what breeds she is?

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My dog is a very cute mutt. i want to make sure that this dna test will tell me what breeds she is. But is it worth the money?




  1. I believe the DNA kit the AKC uses is for parentage. This would mean the pup & sire (father) would need to be swabbed. If you don't know who the sire is, this test is not going to help you.

    The DNA kits through the AKC are for registered breeds only.

  2. akc dna tests the puppy to make sure that it's parents are who you say they are. that way no puppy switching from a non-papered dog.  They do have a dna test to tell what type of dog you have but it is costly and not very accurate as yet. Why not just love your pup and spend the money on toys and vet services.

  3. Uh, if she is a mutt, she is not a breed.  Likely she isn't a breed anyway and the AKC testing is simply to have DNA registered for parentage issues that can arise in the future.  I does not test for breed and the test that does test for breed is horribly limited and inconclusive.  Just get her fixed and love her for being your mutt :)

  4. The DNA kits from AKC are for the purpose of prooving paternity.  For example if you have a multiple sired litter and need to know which pups are for which sire..  or if a dispute should arise and someone is claiming that paperwork is falsified.

    The AKC test will not tell you what your dog's mix is.

    There are various tests available to help figure what breeds are in the mix.  Some tests can check for about 60-some breeds.. and some are able to check for markers for over 150 different breeds.  The more breeds a test is able to check for, the more expensive the test is, ussually.

    I would not regard those tests as 100% accurate (none of the tests will even put a guarantee that a dog is purebred!)..  its meant for fun, and to help satisfy your curiosity.  I personally wouldnt spend my money on it, but some people do.

  5. Different DNA testing agencies test for different things.  Some test only to ensure that the parents listed on the pedigree are the dog's true parents.  Some screen for hereditary diseases.  The one you want is the kind that will tell you which breeds your dog is a mix of.  I don't think the AKC DNA testing is done for that purpose.  I saw the kind you are looking for advertised in either Dog Fancy or Dog World magazine (I read both).  Is it worth it?  That is totally up to you and how important it is to you to know.  It costs a little over $50 and it could be fun to find out but it is also fun to guess.

  6. They tell you some results, but are they accurate?

    I've heard some pretty bizarre results, that are not likely possible at all.  I think it is an un-perfected science.

    EDIT:  Oh, I thought it was the testing that checks your dog's DNA and then tells you what the breeds are.  My mistake.  The TDs rock though, they really help!

  7. AKC DNA testing will only tell you which male dog is parent,but you must know which males to consider in the testing.

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