
Does the ANG fight overseas like regular army or just stay in the U.S.A and help with domestic issues?

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I really need to know to help me make a decision soon. Thanks.




  1. they fight overseas also

  2. Of course. A....NG. That "A" means army. You are a soldier first. Don't doubt it. It happens quite frequently. Depending on the MOS in need determines who will go first. Sometimes there is a volunteer request. There is some good pay in over seas duty. so some soldiers jump at the chance to make that good money. And some civilians jobs are just not as fulfilling as active duty . Just don't have a combat or field MOS. You should be fine. Puff trees if you really don't want go.

  3. Well you really need to get your head out of your butt...

    Most ANG Units are on their 2nd or 3rd Tours in Iraq or Afghanistan...

  4. ANG is Air National Guard - ARNG is the Army National Guard and yes they both deploy although not as often as active components do.  

  5. NG, reserves and active are all over there fighting side by side.  

  6. A two day weekend drill may involve flying to Iraq and back.

    Durting "Nam, a local unit flew cargo to "Nam every week.

    Crew members could volunteer for extra duty, and stretch a 2 day weekend drill into 4.

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