
Does the Air Force have Jobs where you don't get sent to Iraq?

by Guest32041  |  earlier

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I support our troops in Iraq but not the war, therefor I would like to see if there is anything in the AF that will not deploy out to Iraq after Training?

Also I was talking to a recruiter and he said I would be able to see which jobs get deployed to Iraq, therefor i have a choice, anyone else believe that? Any veterans or Currently in the AF?




  1. I've been in the AF for 8 years and sadly, haven't deployed.  Been TDY all over, but never to the sandbox.  No job can be "guaranteed" no deployments, it all depends on where you are stationed and what the mission is.  I'm itching to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.  That is why I'm in the Air Force, to defend my country.

  2. Supporting troops but not willing to be a part of the team?  Like everyone else said, don't join.  You'll become government property, like it or not.  

  3. If you don't want to go to Iraq then you are better off not joining.  Every job has a purpose in Iraq and if you aren't prepared to deploy then you might as well stay a civilian.  I know it isn't what you want to hear but it is reality.  Air Force deployments are usually shorter and less dangerous but anybody can be taken out at any time.

  4. No matter what job you get in the AF, you are subject to deployment according to the AF and President of the United States. You will rehearse a line in the oath, that is similar to what I just stated.

    As far as choosing the branch itself: Less likely to deploy, shortest deployments, not a combat branch (unless you signed up to be Security Forces).

  5. Do not believe anything the recruiter tells you, he is there to recruit not tell you like it is. My advise is to hire a lawyer to negotiate a deal if you enlist as you are signing a contract for your life for a specific time, he will get you the maximum benefit of joining and perhaps put a clause in that you cannot be deployed beyond US borders, if the recruiter is willing to do this you will have no problem then. I thought of enlistment as I was an indentured servant back in the 1600's for four years

  6. I wouldn't believe anything a recruiter told you.

    98% of all new military recruits get sent to Iraq.

    If you don't want to go there, then don't join.

  7. maybe if your dad is the prince of wales, and you are a prince then you could do a prince william on it. And get sent on a mission in the caribbean.

  8. If you join, you most likely will be sent to Iraq.  If you support the troops but not the war, find ways to help the troops here.

  9. The military does not need people like you.  In the military you are there to serve the nation whenever and wherever you are needed.  

    Do everybody a favor and remain a civilian.

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