
Does the American school system start halfway through the year?

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My friend (who used to live in the US) told me that in the American school system, say you were in grade 11, you would finish your school year in the middle of the year and then start 12 the same year after the break. Is this true? I just find this really weird. I had no idea it was like that.




  1. Yes. The school system was built around allowing kids to work the harvest on family farms or wherever. So the beginning of the school year is usually mid to late august and runs to late may, early june. There are some school systems that have gone to a different schedule, but this is still the dominant one, even though most kids don't work on farms anymore.

  2. it sounds wierd

  3. The school year starts in August or September and ends in June.

  4. American Schools start usually in early September.

  5. Yes.

    I live in Minnesota. And we start school in September of one year and end in June. Minnesota was historically a state that was dominated farming. the kids were given summers off so they could help around the farm during the growing season.  

  6. yep. finish before summer then start around august or september

  7. It's not like that where i go to school.

  8. American schools start late August/beginning of September and end in June. So yes, after 2.5 months of summer break, they start up again.

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