
Does the Amish breed a lot offspring since they were 3 females and 3 males Germans originally to have a good?

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  1. The Amish are members of a conservative Anabaptist Christian denomination.  The were originally more than just a few couples who immigrated to the United States from German speaking part of Switzerland.

    Recent studies have reported that an average Amish family will have between 6 and 7 children.  This is not so much a religious legacy as a social one.  Their life style avoids the use on contraception and so their family size resembles those families in years before the development of contraception.

  2. As they are agriculturally based, and shun the use of farm equipment, large families are common. I'm not aware of their birth control practices but suspect these would also be traditional.

    The family size isn't unusual when you review the size of families before the United State industrialized and people moved to the urban centers.

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