
Does the Bible claim to be the infallible rule of faith and practice?

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Someone said that the Bible does not claim infallibility?

How about this

Mt 5:18, 24:35,

Jn 10:35; 16:12,13; 17:17;

1Cor 2:13;

2Ti 3:15-17;

Heb 4:12;

2 Pe 1:20;21

Based on these scriptures, I'd have to disagree with you.




  1. The 'bible' is fiction. Arguments past that are irrelevant.

  2. Question: Does the Bible claim to be the infallible rule of faith and practice?

    Answer:  Joy, before you answer this question for yourself do you know where the Bible came from?  Do you believe that the Lord Himself handed the Bible over to His disciples as a rule of faith?  Or do you believe that it dropped from Heaven one fine day already bound and edited and imbued with infallibility into the hands of believers everywhere?  

    Would you be shocked to learn that nowhere does the Bible claim to be the Word of God nor does it claim infallibility for itself?  The Bible does not make this claim for itself and in fact states in the Prologue to the Gospel of St. John that Jesus Christ is the Word of God, not the Bible.


    Before the Christian Bible was commissioned a number of scrolls and texts were floating around believed by some to be inspired of God and not so by others.  Around 400 AD (four-hundred years after Jesus Christ built His Church on the Rock that is Simon-Peter) the Church commissioned St. Jerome (a linguistics genius and Priest) to translate these scrolls and texts into the common language of the people.  In those days in the civilized world if one could read or write he or she did so in Latin.  St. Jerome completed his task and then the Catholic Church reviewed his translation finally deciding that 73 Books were inspired by God and therefore Holy Biblia, that is:  The Holy Bible.  The Church then closed the Canon of the Bible at 73 Books declaring that nothing could be added or subtracted from these Books and it still be known as the Holy Bible.  That Bible (the first Christian Bible) is known as the Latin Vulgate Bible ('Vulgate' meaning: "Of the People").  

    And so it was the Catholic Church who in her wisdom declared all "73 Books of the Bible" to be the:  Written Word of God.  It was the Roman Catholic Church who commissioned the creation of the Bible, translated it into the common language of the people, edited it and finally bound and published it.  The Bible did not give birth to the Catholic Church but in fact it was the Catholic Church who 'gave birth to the Bible.'   At no time did the Catholic Church claim infallibility for the Bible.

    After the Protestant Reformation some 1,500 years after Christ the Holy Bible was dissected and reinterpreted according to the whims of a king who wanted to divorce his wife. This Protestant version and subsequent Protestant versions of the Holy Bible contains only 66 Books.

    To recap the answer to your question:  The Holy Bible does not claim infallibility for itself nor does the Church who commissioned its creation claim infallibility for the Bible.  


  3. On the contrary, the Bible plainly states that the Church Christ founded is the foundation of truth, and makes no such claim for itself.  Christ said "by their fruits shall ye know them". The fruit of looking to Christ's Church as the foundation of truth, as the Bible states, has been 2,000 years of unity in faith, unity in teaching and unity in worship, exactly as Christ intended.  The fruit of trying to force the Bible to be the foundation of truth has been 500 years of continuous division and fragmentation, and doctrinal chaos, thousands of unauthorized conflicting manmade churches which exist in open contempt for the stated will of God, "that they all may be ONE".

  4. Christians claim that the Bible, because it's the "Word of God," is inerrant. Overtly and disingenuously they will claim the infallibility of their "holy" book, dismissing the fact that if it were so infallible, it wouldn't have been edited as many times as it has.

    Everyone knows that the Bible is loaded with contradictions, except for the Christian in utter and complete denial.  

  5. It does not, look into the holy spirit. I am not sure what passage may help you, somebody may cite it. But God said that humanity would change with the holy spirit. That it was plastic and malleable, that it would learn and grow with humanity. This was the reasoning the church used to step down it's stance for slavery.

  6. The Bible is all made up.

  7. 2 Tim  3:16 -

    ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

    Prove it's not God's Word!

    God Bless......

  8. Yes, the Bible is the book that the Spirit of God wrote through the hands of men.

    The Divine Inspiration

    of the


    by Arthur W. Pink

    Chapter One: There Is a Presumption in Favor of the Bible

    Chapter Two: The Perennial Freshness of the Bible Bears Witness to its Divine Inspirer

    Chapter Three: The Unmistakable Honesty of the Writers of the Bible Attests to its Heavenly Origin

    Chapter Four: The Character of its Teachings Evidences the Divine Authorship of the Bible

    Chapter Five: The Fulfilled Prophecies of the Bible Bespeak the Omniscience of its Author

    Chapter Six: The Typical Significance of the Scriptures Declare Their Divine Authorship

    Chapter Seven: The Wonderful Unity of the Bible Attests its Divine Authorship

    Chapter Eight: The Marvelous Influence of the Bible Declares its Super-Human Character

    Chapter Nine: The Miraculous Power of the Bible Shows Forth That its Inspirer Is the Almighty

    I. The Power of God's Word to Convict Men of Sin.

    II. The Power of God's Word to Deliver Men From Sin.

    III. The Power of God's Word Over the Human Affections.

    Chapter Ten: The Completeness of the Bible Demonstrates its Divine Perfection

    Chapter Eleven: The Indestructibility of the Bible Is a Proof that its Author Is Divine

    Chapter Twelve: Inward Confirmation of the Veracity of the Scriptures

    Chapter Thirteen: Verbal Inspiration

    Chapter Fourteen: Application of the Argument

    I. We Need to Seek God's Forgiveness.

    II. It Is the Final Court of Appeal.

    III. It Is the Ultimate Standard for Regulating Conduct.

    IV. It Is a Sure Foundation for Our Faith.

    V. It Has Unique Claims Upon Us.

  9. The Bible was put together by a group of men who were looking for a means of control. So they decided to use this Jesus fellow as their tool. They took His Good Name and literally thrashed It throughout history. They killed millions and millions of people and along with some good wholesome Christian torture and burnings really proved beyond a shadow of doubt who the father of their church really is. The church is a very bad tree, it does not bear good fruit, the church shall pay to the last penny, God is not mocked.

    I could say I'm God's Word, but that doesn't make it so. By the fruit a tree bears can you tell if a tree is bad or good. A good tree will not bear bad fruit.

  10. Matthew 5:18 says the Law has not been abolished (that doesn't make the Bible "infallible"); 24:35 "My words will never pass away" (does not say the Bible are "his words").

    John 10:35 says "the scripture cannot be annulled".  

    This goes on in this manner, I assume, I'm not looking all of this up.

    Where does the Bible itself declare it's own canon?  Why isn't the Gospel of Paul or Judas Iscariot included and the Gospel of Mark excluded?  Nowhere does the Bible actually define what books are included (Revelation's statement about not adding/removing words refers to Revelation, not to the entire Bible, by the way).  The statements you quote do not refer to the Bible per se, but to parts of it.

    You seem to give this impression that Bible was written in a manner of a group of students passing around a notebook.  One of them wrote in it, then passed it on to the next person who wrote in it, and so forth. This was not the case.  The individual books were written by individual authors independent of the others (at the least the New Testament was), they were then collected by the early Church and compiled into this book.  Until an "Introduction to the Bible" is written by God and inserted in, I'd say you're point is pretty weak.

    So, based on this information, i'd have to disagree with you.  It doesn't matter, the Qur'an also makes this claim.  What makes the Bible's claim any more authoritative than the Qur'an's?

  11. Yes, the bible claims infallibility, but it's wrong.

  12. Every 'holy' book claims infallibility.

    But can you prove any one of them is infallible?

    I can prove otherwise:

  13. All made up? I suppose the historians who were not believers, but still recorded many of the events the Bible references, are all part of the conspiracy.

  14. If you have faith, try to understand and follow!  If not, it is not for you..

    All the religious books have some points that an ordinary human can't understand..after long practice, he feels.  

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