
Does the Bible fully describe and define everything there is to know about God?

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Can the Bible, or any book, be complete in its depiction of the Supreme Being? Or does mankind's understanding of the divine grow and develop across the ages?




  1. The depiction of the Supreme being ? Hinduism at its highest level has this to say about the Supreme Being : The nameless, formless, attributeless, ever-lasting thing that permeates the entire universe, and as such found inside us too.Does it satisfy you ?

    Flowing from this initial premise Hinduism tells people that their bodies are temples of God and Jesus also said the same thing.

    Both Hinduism and Jesus expect humans to wake up to the Divinity within themselves.

  2. You said it; mankind's understanding of the divine grow and develop across the ages.

  3. No, it does not describe and define completely. The Bible does tell us enough about Him and all His attributes, all we need to know for now.

    Man's understanding of God doesn't develop, the information is still the same, all right there for any to discover, in the Bible.

  4. yes bible is the answers

  5. Neither.

    Man's mind cannot comprehend God with our limited understanding or  language.

    It would be like trying to explain your life's history to a three year old child. There might be a point of two they can kinda get, but for the most part they won't have a clue as to what you are saying.

  6. I think the Bible is the closest "complete" book that describes God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, their love for us and their desire for us, and their promises to us. What I think the problem is, is that WE have misinterpreted the Bible and what it says... We look at it and see love, and promises and eternal life, yet we also assume that there are a bunch of rules to follow as well.... I think that is where we are s******g up... follow me on this one...What if what is really being said was... if we believe in God, Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit guide us, we will be guided away from those things that WE deem the Bible as saying is sinful???? Huh?? what about that?? my opinion is that if God is all loving and the end plan for us doesn't change, then there can not be rules to break along the way....

  7. Folks, the Bible did not drop down from the sky bound in black leather.  It is a compilation of texts put together under orders from the Emperor Constantine to prove the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth.  By the way which Bible are we talking about, there are quite a few?  King James, Douay?  Which one?

  8. What does the Bible say about all of the things Jesus did and said?

    2 Corinthians 12: 4

      4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

  9. The bible, nor any other book, is complete in their depiction of God.  Your second question is somewhat true, but I think that it is impossible to know everything that God is about in this life because of our limited understanding.  He is so much bigger than we can possibly imagine.

  10. If the bible has all the answers, why do christians always give different answers from each other?

  11. Man's understanding of God will continue to evolve. Because as time passes by, man becomes more creative and upgradethe characteristics of his god.

  12. Not at all. The books from the Bible were chosen by one of the early catholic leader, can't remember it's name. So the Bible is a product of human mind.

    The idea of God/Supreme Being/ etc. evolved since the beginning of humanity. God will continue to evolve as long as the human race will live on this earth.

  13. The word of God is spirit and is life (John 6:64) and is living (Hebrews 4:12).  The words in the Bible together with the revelation of the Holy Spirit provide us with spiritual understanding of God (1 Corinthians 2).  There is a progressive unveiling of the mysteries and the things of God by the Holy Spirit to us. Yes our understanding of God grow and develop in the course of time.  God bless you.  

  14. Absolutely not! In heaven, the four living creatures exclaim, "Holy, Holy, Holy!" every time they perceive another aspect of God's glory.

    We will have an eternity to "get to know" God, and He is more infinite than eternity itself.(If that is possible)

  15. From an allegorical interpretation, absolutely. It contains many spiritual truths. It's the greatest guide to spiritual rebirth and salvation in God, just not as the Church teaches. The Church teaches Heaven is for the Jesus-accepters. That isn't being born again. Christ can rebore us within. God is a spirit. Not a man.

  16. No.

  17. Common sense would tell you, of course not.

  18. It should if it was gods word, but I don't think it does.

  19. This depends upon your state of mind.

                                      The Old Testament portrayed this ''God,as a vengeful God.

                                        The New Testament telling the story of Jesus tells you that God was and is a loving God.

                                           If you believe either of these stories , I pity you.

                                            The 'bible'[ tells you nothing but fairy tales.  

  20. The bible has all the answers you need about God.....With the help of the Holy Spirit.

  21. Based on my own experience, I would say that no book could ever tell us everything about God. Much of what and who God is, is not understandable to us humans. The Bible appears to be a general text given to man to help him come to God in spirit which then enables us to know him better and more fully. I have known quite a bit about the Bible over the years but it was not until I accepted God and accepted Jesus that my understanding grew to a truly meaningful level. I learn something new about Him every day as we walk together. God is much much more than the Bible says.

  22. Not even close. The Truth lies ever waiting within each of us.

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