
Does the Bible say not to eat certain animals? Where? Which animals? And of course, why does it matter?

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Does the Bible say not to eat certain animals? Where? Which animals? And of course, why does it matter?




  1. God hates shrimp.

  2. Well for starters, pigs. I do not remember the verse, but it is in the old testament. As for why, well pigs roll around in mud, and in the olden days, the pigs would sometimes get these worms inside of them (usually from a cut on their hooves or so), and when someone ate the pig, they would get these worms and die.

  3. The books of the Bible that tell us what not to eat are Deuteronomy and Leviticus.

    The animals mentioned are snakes, bats, insects, owls, shellfish and pigs among others.

    These animals are not mentioned by name but by a set of discriminators, for example, 'that which creepeth upon the earth or that which is not of the cloven hoof, or that which does not cheweth the cud".

    If you do not belive the Bible as the literal word of God, but as a set of ideas collected by men to make rules, then it is likely that through observation people noticed that it was not healthy to eat bugs or other weird things and made up rule.

    Since these books of the Bible are part of the Old Testament which modern Christians freely borrow  some parts from while ignoring other parts, it is common for Christians to eat pork.

    In earlier times , a disease called Trichinosous was commonly caused by pork, but modern anti-biotics have eliminated this danger.

  4. basically this do not eat any animal which has a clove (split) hoof and does not chew a cud for example swine. they have a split hoof but dont chew a cud the reason u dont eat these animal is because they r unclean they can make u sick in the case of the swine 1st if u dont cook them thoroughly u get trichanosis 2nd pigs have no sweat glands all the impurities they eat (and if you have ever seen thier food WOW) never leave their bodies it get stored in their fat and then u eat it

    now as for fish eat nothing from the sea which has neither fin nor scale

    for instance shrimp they feed on dead rotting stuff on the bottom  they have a "mud vein" in them when u eat that u can get sick also clams when undercooked can cause 1 of the types of hepatitis

    so no cud no eat bottom feeders no eat there r others but those 2 main rules

    btw do not listen when they say oh thats old testamnet for jews only etc Christ said i donot com to change eve 1 jot of the letter of the law but to fullfil it in other words all the old testament laws still stand and Christ came to fullfil the prophecy of a messiah being sent to us the only thing different now is He became the last blood sacrifice we no longer need to slaughter and sacrifice an animal we have Christ's blood for the sacrifice as was foretold in the old testament

  5. See Leviticus 11.  There are lists of animals that can be eaten and lists of animals that must not be eaten.  Most of the things that must not be eaten are things you probably weren't going to eat anyway (dogs, eagles etc.).  But there are some commonly eaten animals on the list, like pigs and shrimp.

    It matters if you are Jewish and if keeping God's commandments is something you are trying to do.  

    Most Christians don't keep the food laws.

  6. Certain animals were not considered worthy of sacrifices to the gods, so they were considered "unclean", which only meant they could not be used for sacrifice.  Of course as religion evolved the meaning became corrupted.  Even today many animals, and women in menarche, are considered unclean.

  7. OK, Leviticus 11 is the correct answer (thanks, Shiphrah)

    Note, however, that Gentile Christians are not so limited.  What that means is:  Gentile Christians are permitted to eat the types of animals prohibited to Jews.  However, Gentile Christians are still restricted from eating the blood of animals - which includes quite a few foods common in European and other ethnic diets, including British (black pudding, for example).

    Be aware, however, that there is no law *against* following the rules of Leviticus.  In other words, a Gentile Christian may, if they choose, follow any or all of the dietary laws given to the Jews in the Old Testament.

    2) why does it matter?

    It matters for several reasons, *if* you are Jewish or Christian.  This is part of the Mosaic Covenant.  This (the Mosaic Covenant) is very important to know if you are a Christian, especially if you are attempting to gain a fuller understanding of the events which occur in the New Testament.  It is *essential* to know if you are Jewish, as Jews are still subject to all the regulations of the Mosaic Covenant.

    However, if you are not Jewish or Christian, it is not important.

    If you are Christian but don't really care about the whys and wherefores of the New Testament - in other words, you're happy having someone tell you what's right and wrong without knowing why - then this is probably not important to you.


  8. In the OT the Jewish people were not to eat certain animals. I think pigs, and shell fish and certain types of birds. It all changed in the NT.

    I think it would matter if you were Jewish and followed the Torah.

    I am not an expert in this. Just my opinion.

  9. After the Flood was the first time God allowed humans to eat meat.  (Gen 9:3)  Later He prohibited some meat to be eaten.  We now know this was a protection to His people from certain diseases that can be transmitted by animals.  They would not have known of germs or bacteria but God did.

    It matters today because we can see how God looked after His people even when they themselves could not understand why some things were happening.  If He did not care, He could have said nothing and let them die.  They would not have known the difference.

  10. Leviticus.

    It says you can't eat pork, you can't eat shellfish, you can't eat camel, etc...

    Why does it matter?

    It doesn't.  

  11. It matters because at the time these things were quite dangerous.

    We still have warnings about shellfish but can detect the problems involved.  They couldn't.

    Pork?  Ever hear of trichinosis?  Nasty way to die.

    Each of the pieces of advice were to protect people against know dangerous foods.

    We still get hit by the consequences of eating one or more of them at times.  For some of us, it's worth it.

  12. A slew of them in Deutronomy.  You can't because they are unclean.   It is complicated and a lot to remember.  I know I probably do, no lie.

  13. I recall a verse (or Chapter) where God shows Peter or Paul or someone what he's allowed to eat. Butthen He says, it doesn't matter what goes in your mouth , but what comes out. It's somewhere in the New Testament. Look it up.

  14. In the old testament God told the Jews what they could and could not eat.  In the new testament God told Paul that all food that He had created was Good so that non jews did not have to change what they ate to become Christians.

  15. The laws in Leviticus were used to keep the Jews of the Old Testament seperate from the Gentiles/Pagans. From circumcision, to not eating certain foods.

    It was also used to keep them healthy as well. Pigs were/are filthy creatures which carry diseases. The bottom dwellers of the sea (the sea's trash collectors) and unclean fish (without scales) like shark have high levels of mercury and other heavy metals.

    Also sanitation laws like washing hands in running water (not bowls), quarantine rules, contolling disease by covering mouths (Lev. 13:45-46), burying human waste, etc were totally against the customs of those days and thousands of years before scientists proved them and put them into general practice.

  16. The bible?.. why don't you just say "The book of error"?

    But I'm sure that God doesn't want you to eat your dog.

  17. It doesn't matter anymore ...besides that was old testament.  In the new it is only the heart that is unclean.  You can eat whatever you want.  God looks at your heart.  

  18. The bible contains tons of rules:

    Among other things, you can't eat pork, or shrimp or lobster or crabs.  You cannot consume any blood, etc.

  19. Christians can eat anything we want.  What you are thinking of is the Levitical Law for ancient Jews which has never been applicable to you and I.

  20. Skunks, definetely skunks.  It may say something about porcupines too

  21. It's in the book of Leviticus that's where,why and which.

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