
Does the Big Bang theory obey the conservation of energy law?

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Does the Big Bang theory obey the conservation of energy law?




  1. no the known laws of physics break down at the big bang

  2. No it does not. Most all versions of the big bang theory follow the same idea - first there was nothing, then there was something. This obviously violates the law. However, if you are familiar with quantum mechanics, then you see that the law of conservation of energy is violated very often.  

    Quantum mechanics is an area of physics governed completely by randomness and probability. The laws of quantum mechanics are so random that it allows for particles to be spontaneously created. These "virtual particles" can be created out of nothing and can also disappear into nothing shortly after they are created. Some variations of the big bang theory incorporate this phenomenon while others look for alternative methods of creating a universe. So it depends which version of the theory you are talking about. However, I believe that the law of conservation of energy is out dated since it was develeped before quantum mechanics so breaking this law in certain circumstances should not hurt current theories

  3. nope

  4. They are BOTH right.

    (Just joking).

    I believe we will have to change some of these existing laws of physics.

    We don't know it all.

    The laws of physics exist because they work (most of the time).

    For a explanation of that statement, allow me to create an example: We all know what an atom is and what it looks like; RIGHT?

    Wrong! We have never seen an atom. The "pictures" are what we believe to be true. What we know about atoms and sub-atomic particles is the result of mathmatical calculations and experimentation.

    Basically, if it WORKS, we accept it as fact.

    That probably ISN'T accurate, but as long as it works, it is good enough for now.

    Back to the "Big Bang".

    We observe many things in the Universe that don't fit well into existing theories. We don't need to change the "Laws odf Physics" to build a bridge across a creek, but some changes in our ideas are demanded by the reality of the things we don't well understand. It is unlikely that the "Big Bang" theory follows the laws of physics as we know them.

    Can we have a little revision here? (What created the Big Bang?)

    Woah! If "other powers" were involved, we will have a whole new game to consider!

  5. not sure but I think it must do because the big bang theory has been proven mathematically.

  6. Before the Big Bang, there wasn't anything to support the idea of "energy", so it's a moot matter whether or not "energy was conserved".  The fallacy so many people make is assuming that there is always 1) time, 2) space  3) matter, and 4)energy, as in, "Before there was anything at all, was energy conserved?", or as in, "What happened before the Big Bang? (As if we could meaningfully measure any time before it)".  Furthermore, many make the fallacy that if there is no 1) time, 2) space, 3) matter, and 4) energy, then there is just "nothing".  All of those things are jumping into unwarranted conclusions. It's not a fact to say that "The universe sprang from nothing by some Big Bang"

  7. yes

  8. yes .  the law of conservation energy holds everywhere.

  9. Of course not. The 'bang' in the Big Bang was 'cosmic inflation' caused by a 'Prime Observer' of the universe at its fuzzy nanoscopic beginning according to the quamtum mechanical idea of Schrodinger's Cat. Cosmic inflation is the ultimate free lunch according to its own inventor- Alan Guth.

    If matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed but yet here we all are having been created somehow, implies the very hand of God. God is the only being that can break His own conservation laws thus He is the "Prime Observer' mentioned above.

    The 'big bang' is alluded to in the Bible 11 times:

    Job 9:8 ; Psalm 104:2 ; Isaiah 40:22 ; Isaiah 42:5 ; Isaiah 44:24 ; Isaiah 45:12 ; Isaiah 48:13 ; Isaiah 51:13 ; Jeremiah 10:12 ; Jeremiah 51:15 ; Zechariah 12:1

    Even the soon to come 'Big Rip' is alluded to in the Bible twice:

    Isaiah 34:4 ; Revelation 6:14

  10. NO!  Where does nothing get enough energy to create everything form nothing?  Also, where does the energy come from to start everything.  Law of Conservation of Energy is conserving energy from everything.  According to it, we shouldn't be here becuase there had to be energy in the beginning.  In the beginning there was no space-time so, energy could travel into nothing which never comes up in the law.

  11. Im not sure what my esteemed colleague means by mathematically proven, but yes, it does.

    The theory states that at the start of the universe, all the energy that exists today was contained in a extremely dense, point like ball.

    There is neither no more or no less energy today in the universe then back then, if the theory holds to be true.  

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