
Does the Bristol Palin pregnancy show how hypocritical and two-faced Evangelical Christians are now?

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They keep on harping about "family values", trying to shove it down our throats, yet they give sympathies and a free-pass when one of their own doesn't follow it.

No wonder everyone hates them!




  1. No.  It just shows that even Christians make mistakes.  We're human and we have a sinful nature.  So do you (sorry, just being honest).  

  2. She wants everyone to respect her wishes to keep her daughters pregnancy a private matter, yet she wants to be in everyone elses  bedrooms.  She also wants to be in the doctors office making sure they don't have abortions.  

    I say, if we can't have privacy, neither can she.

  3. Not at all.  

  4. Oh, my. According to your standards only "perfect" people would be allowed to have opinions and standards of moral behavior. I expect my children to act a certain way. I think stealing is wrong. I will teach my children that stealing is wrong but if my child steals it doesn't make my belief that stealing is wrong any less legit! People are imperfect and  make their own choices.

    As far as as evangelical christians, I guess you would consider me one. However, I intend to vote the Obama ticket. I would show sympathy for anyone, regardless of their political views, who is suffering from the woes of raising imperfect children and and dealing with the cold hard facts of living in an imperfect world.

    P.S. I love the way you call Evangelical Christians, closed minded, yet you lump us all together. Now, that just shows your ignorance, doesn't it?

  5. Right...I mean it's a sin to fornicate....but is it a bigger sin to fornicate with contraceptions?

    Ehhhh....she's keeping the baby, only putting more pressure on her mom who has a 5 month old downs child and running for VP even though she shouldn't because it's too much work and she wont be there for her family...

    I mean, she obviously doesn't know what her daughter is doing now...imagine if more of her time is taken up by her 5 month old downs child and...of course...running for vice president.

  6. Romans 3:23

    for all sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    what's your point?

  7. I guess you've never done anything wrong, eh? Christians aren't perfect, they're just forgiven. EVERYONE, including myself who is a Christian, is a hypocrite and a great sinner........Except you. Sorry for putting you in the same category as us.

  8. If "everyone hates them", what's your problem?

    I think YOU hate them and wish that everyone else did too...

    What is hypocritical? Is Palin's daughter an evangelical Christian? I hadn't heard that, but even if she is, a huge part of the Christian religion is admitting that you are a sinner.  It's a myth that Christians believe they are perfect. By definition, we cannot be.

    I don't think anyone has ever tried to "shove anything down your throat". Not if you live in the free world.

    Instead of grasping at straws to criticize the candidate you want to lose, maybe you should spend your time telling others why they should vote for the candidate you want to win.

  9. Perhaps it simply shows how cynical and full of hate people such as yourself are who have no decency or compassion for their fellow human beings.


  10. Babies and marriage are family values.

  11. they say things to keep the christian votes coming !!!

  12. No.  It just shows that they are human.  And no, not everyone hates them.  Yes, there are hypocritical christians everywhere, but who are you to judge?  You don't know everything and you don't know the whole story behind it.  For all we know she went thru a bad spell like teenagers do, or maybe was raped.  I give them kudos for trying to make a difference despite the hurdles they have to overcome.

  13. No, I don't think so. It shows that she is teaching her daughter to respect human life by giving birth to her baby instead of killing it, even if the child was conceived in sin. It shows mercy - something that atheists have no concept of.

  14. Yes, although it is good that Ms. Palin (through her reps) has declared that pregnancy is now a "private family matter". So glad she has changed her mind about the government's and public's role in such things!

    First, she proudly EXERCISES her Right to Choose by choosing to give birth, and then this.  It is a GOOD day for the Pro-Choice movement!  Sarah Palin should be the new Poster Child for Choice!

  15. Well considering her mum's morality it's hardly a surprise. No abortion though. Maybe one of the family will shoot her.

  16. Well, yes. It also shows that their proposed solutions to real problems simply don't work.

    Given that the US is now more than 7 years under the most religious President in recent history, and it's also under the most *incompetent* administration in recent memory (From Iraq, Katrina, ignoring Bin Laden, the budget deficit, and so on, and so on), the inescapable conclusion is that people whose values are based on faith (That is, in opposition to actual FACTS) are simply not to be trusted on matters that are any more real than their factless faiths.

    Thats why theres supposed to be a proper separation between religion and state in the US.

    When a candidate for high executive office espouses beliefs that, carried to gov't action, are Unconstitutional, it is reasonable to conclude that that is a bad candidate for that office.  

  17. i think most preach prevention .. no need to condemn anyone though, Jesus didnt ..

  18. The thing is, Christians don't claim to be perfect. They can fail, like anyone else. What makes them different is that they have an excuse for absolutely anything which means their failings don't matter like yours do.

    Sorry, apparently that was meant to be, "Christians are forgiven", or something. You choose. I can't make sense of it.

  19. So, you wish to incite hate, and then have others agree with you? No, thanks.

  20. DUH, theyr all hypocrites

  21. Sort of. I think it proves how stupid they are for preaching abstinence only. s*x education can teach kids that the best way to stay free of STDs and babies is to stay abstinent, however, most kids aren't going to do that. Hormones are powerful. If they would teach condoms, birth control and abstinence all together, their teenaged birth rates would be a heck of a lot lower.

  22. This pregnancy only serves to reveal that they are sinners like the rest of us. Nothing more. Fortunately we serve a very forgiving and understanding heavenly Father. Not to mention a wonderful and self-sacrificing Son.

  23. Actually they also say that all are sinners.

    There is no contradiction there.

    They aspire to lead lives steeped in family values, but fail, and fall and stumble like the rest of us.

    Counseling may alleviate some of that self destructive hatred expressed in the "question".

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