
Does the Colbert Report and the Daily Show tape during the summer?

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  1. They do!!!! You have to go to here to see if tickets are available:

    They only release tickets at certain times, so if their are no dates up, just check back frequently. Tickets are free, so never pay anyone for them. They check ID at the door so the person who requested the tickets must be present. You will not get a ticket in the mail, they put your name on a list with the number of tickets you requested. Shows are overbooked to ensure there is never an empty seat, so if you are lucky enough to go make sure you are in line by time they tell you.

    If you can't get tickets, but are in NYC you can head down to the studio and ask to be put on the standby list. The intern who takes your name will let you know what time to com back to the studio and you can entertain yourself in the city for a little while. If they don't have enough audience members you will get in... However, there is no guarantee that you will have a seat, just because you are on standby. Also, the standby list goes in order of who got put on the list first, unless you are not back at the time they told you. If you are late you are SOL.

    Here is a site that lets you know when shows are taping and who the guest is:

    The same exact rules go for the daily show.

    Hope that helped! 10 points?

  2. i think so..,

  3. Yeah they do...but...well i only know this for the colbert report but i think theyre the colberts last episode in june26 he said he was on vacation for 2 can check it out go to and watch the last he will return probably by next week....

    i love the show....

    in my opinion better than daily show....cheers

  4. i think so.

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