
Does the Constitution guarantee that the federal government will administer and provide health care?

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Does the Constitution guarantee that the federal government will administer and provide health care?




  1. no it does not...

  2. No, it doesn't.  But, it doesn't provide for Social Security or governmental health insurance like Medicare either or for a Department of Homeland Security for that matter.  In order for such programs or agencies to exist, they do not need to be specified in the Constitution.  Instead, the legislative powers invested in the Congress by the Constitution are utilized in order to bring about such legislation and enact them into law.

    By the way, no one is calling for the Federal Government to 'provide and administer health care'.  Rather, it has been proposed that the government make universal coverage by HEALTH INSURANCE available to all.  No one is proposing government run clinics, etc. or replacing private doctors with governmental employees.  Your characterization is erroneous Paul.

  3. No it does not.  

  4. It does not.

  5. no, but the constitution also does not forbid it and i'm sure you already know that we have many government programs right now that could have hardly been envisioned by those who wrote the constitution. the constitution is a fluid document that is both open to change itself and leaves a lot of freedom for future generations (us) to alter the scope of government.

    re buttercup: yes the private sector is doing a great job running healthcare...if you look at any reports comparing american healthcare to european healthcare (many european countries have government-run healthcare), you will see that the europeans outrank the americans in efficiency, access, quality of care, and lower cost.

  6. No, and nobody is proposing it either.  Despite what the right wing is trying to spin.

  7. funny thing is they try to use the general health and well being statement to say that to provide general health and well being we must raise your taxes to do it.  

    yet if I said we need to wire tap every phone in the united states to insure nobody is planning to blow up any more buildings (which would be in my general well being in that I work in a large building) they would scream fascist.......

    wonder why that is......

  8. No, it doesn't.  But it also does not prevent the government from administering and providing for health care.

    National health care is not a Constitutional issue; it's just a question of whether it's good policy.

    No one is arguing that the Constituiton DOES require nationalized health care, so why did you bring this up in the first place?

  9. No, so why are so many politicans willing to provide it for illegal aliens but not US citizens?

  10. No.

    Then again, health care back then consisted of leeches...

  11. Absolutely not.

  12. No...not at all.

  13. Of course not and all candidates should know

    that. Looking at the past government run

    programs that went askew, I don't think any of

    us want the government running any healthcare

    program for US, period.

  14. No.but that is up to the people. This could be another extension of Medicare or Medicaid? or SS?

  15. Government health care is actually at odds with the constitution.

    It is little more than a vehicle for socialists to dismantle the military to pay for it and keep it's recipients submissive and marginal.

    See Canada.  The world's second largest nation and everyone forgets it's even there.

  16. No and it also doesn't guarantee Social Security.

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