
Does the Constitution of the United States/Bill of Righ give the American people right or affirm thier rights?

by Guest60287  |  earlier

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Was the Second Amendment really about Guns or was it about the Right to protect one's self?

Isn't the Second Amendment affirming the right you have to protect yourself?




  1. Neither.

    The People's rights are assumed to exist.  The US Constitution is written FROM the People to the (then newly forming) Federal Government granting IT the right to exist and granting limited powers to IT.

    Except when he wants to protect gun ownership rights, the idea that the Constitution "grants" any rights to the PEOPLE is a totally corrupted, BS ideology held by Antonin Scalia.  Apparently he never bothered to read the first three words of it to identify who the GRANTORS ARE in the document.

  2. It more or less affirms them only. Like it says in the preamble out rights are "endowed by our creator".

    You really should look at the bill of rights as a list of "shall nots" for the government.


    Government shall not infringe upon free speech.

    Government shall not infringe upon freedom of religion.

    Government shall not infringe upon the right to bear arms.

    Then, and most importantly the 10th amendment. Which more or less states: "If we forgot anything, government can't do that either"

  3. The first ten amendments were created to affirm the god given rights of the people. Each of the first ten amendments are all individual rights. Not the first then 3rd through 10th. These are basically things that the government can not do.

    They were written because the people back then knew very well what the government can do if the people do not have any rights.

    IMHO the 2nd Amendment should have been the first, because it it that amendment which protects the others.

  4. affirm.  ever read it?  u should, it is awesome.

  5. Read and you will see.

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