
Does the Council on Foreign Relations pretty much decide what American foreign policy will be?

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How they keep publishing materials describing exactly what they want America to do, and then (despite whatever the public wants) the government always seems to end up doing exactly what the CFR wants to do... whats up with that?




  1. Note that both McCain and Obama are members of CFR.

    spookie ... no?

  2. The CFR was originally founded by globalists after the US Senate rejected the League of Nations (to their credit).  These globalists (international bankers, academics, and government officials), decided that the public needed to be educated, and used their considerable wealth, to purchase major newspapers, and other media outlets.  Other CFR members in the academic field, propagandized thier charges in the major universities.  Other member wrote books extolling the virtues of world government.

    With their wealth, they were able to set up tax exempt think tanks, and utilize the tax exempt foundations that they had established to further push for world government.  Members reviewed books written by other members about world government, giving them rave reviews.  Academic members required these books for their courses.

    Especially well-heeled CFR members bought influence by contributing to the campaigns of willing politicians.  Right-thinking politicians were invited to join the Council.  During World War Two, the CFR "loaned" some of it's "experts" to the US State Department.  We can thank the CFR for making Eastern Europe safe for Communisms, as well as the loss of China to the Reds.

    SInce the war, it has become common for each administration to have hundreds of CFR members in its cabinet, including many presidents, and vice presidents, themselves.  The CFR controls what the American people hear and see about current events.  The leadership of both major parties is loaded with CFR members.  And all this from an organization of about 4000 souls!

    So yes, the CFR has been running things for decades.  That's why nothing really changes.  For example, when Communism was finally unable to sustain itself (after seven decades of help from the US taxpayer), the Council decided that something was needed to replace our Cold War adversaries.  They hit upon the Environmental Movement.  The CFR media, CFR politicians, and CFR opinion molders, all began to become "thoughtful stewards of the environment", using this as an excuse to create artificial shortages, thereby increasing the power of government.  Environmentalism, we were told, is a "global" issue.  International treaties were written to undermine our sovereignty.  Hoaxes like the "hole in the ozone layer, the new ice age, and Global Warming", were invented to give government excuses to attack our civil rights.

    Another replacement for the cold war, was the "War on Terror".  This, of course, is as phony as the War on Poverty, and the War on Drugs.  In reality, it is a war on the American people's freedom, the Bill of Rights, and our national sovereignty.

    One more example of the CFR at work:  The North American Union, which they are calling the Security and Prosperity Partnership.  The CFR keeps beating the drum for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform", which is really, amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants their policies have created.  Millions of illegal immigrants, the use of Spanish in place of English, and the encouragement of immigrants, both legal and illegal to not assimilate, are all part of the North American Union plan.

    How do we stop the CFR?  By exposing them.  Don't go chasing after conspiracy theories.  Let's expose the real conspiracy: politicians being paid by special interests to legislate for the benefit of those interests; "news media" owned by these same special interests, broadcasting propaganda disguised as news, to the American people, and candidates, hand-picked by the CFR.  These candidates can be depended upon to continue the CFR agenda.

  3. Yes.

  4. In a word YES!

    EDIT.  Sorry for the short answer, it is laaate.

    This link explains it in part

    Who is Running America?


    OH … I would be remiss to fail to mention that CFR members also control the main stream media!   They have us right where they want us now, don't they?

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