
Does the Darwin's theory of evolution prove that gods exist?

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I believe in the Newtons laws of motion which say that - In order to make a change in the course of movement or to change the speed of an object, some FORCE needs to be applied.

Lets change the 'object' above to - process.

We see that evolution of some species is very dramatic as in the case of Human, whereas the chimpanzees & gorillas & others are where they were before or they have not changed much. So it means that adaptation & natural selection is not causing equal change in ALL species but in a very few. Therefore some people say that - 'why chimps & monkeys have not evolved equally?'

Therefore I think that there may be some forces which caused the speedy evolution of Human and slowed down in others as a result we are what we are and the forces decided to leave out other species.

Are they gods? Invisibly controlling ?




  1. No, it just shows that statistical distributions can give the appearance of gods.  The fundamental error in your thinking is that we are more evolved than crocodiles, a species that has changed little over time.  You cannot be more evolved or less evolved.  You can have undergone more changes, but that would mean pneumonia is more evolved than humans and so are grapes.  That says more about environmental pressures than anything else.  The invisible control idea hearkens back to Adam Smith's "invisible hand," in economics.  Of course, he did not believe gods controlled the economy, but that all the forces acting together act like an invisible hand cause people to move toward an optimum as they react to the pressures.

  2. No, it does not.  You must provide justification for the application of newtonian mechanics to the abstract process.  Until then, it's speculation and wordplay.

  3. Consider this

    Mysteries In Science

    The Young Age of the Earth

    The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

    The Origins of Life

    Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

    Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

    Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

    Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

    Atheist's NightMare: Evolution

    Our Solar System: Evidence For Creation

  4. To apply one of Newton's laws to a genetic system this way is complete folly. What you're talking about - variable rates of evolution between groups - is explained by varying rates of genetic mutation, different environmental pressures, and biological differences between species - these are the invisible controls.

  5. You seem to think that chimpanzees and gorillas have not changed much.  Clearly you're missing the point there.  They changed from a single, itybity mutated RNA molecule created by fierce electrical storms billions of years ago (it's been proven through experimentation that electricity can create RNA and simply enzymes).  And then you question why chimps and monkeys have not evolved equally.  This is because they are best adapted to their environment.  Howler monkeys evolved extremely large vocal chords so that they could locate pod members from miles away in the Amazon.  Spider monkeys evolved with their long, thin limbs and tail so that they can travel through the trees instead of the ground.  The ground is more dangerous for them because they are fairly small and are likely prey.  Snow monkeys evolved a very thick coat of water-resistant fur so that they could keep warm in the snowy mountain regions of Japan.  You are confusing evolution with natural selection.

  6. It proves nothing about the existence or non-existence of any god or gods.

    "Lets change the 'object' above to - process."

    Do you have a scientific basis for doing that or do you just like making stuff up?  The law you are refering to specifically states that Force = mass x acceleration (F = m x a).

    The first statement you made "change the speed of an object, some FORCE needs to be applied" is true only if you define an object to be anything with mass.

    But now, out of sheer scientific ignorance, you change "object" (which remember has to be something with mass for your statement to be true) to "process".  Please show me how a process has mass, otherwise Newton's theories don't apply.

  7. I think, Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific theory and should not be related to the existence of Gods and deities.

    I think, humans being the most intelligent specie showed speedy progress.

  8. It is a theory. It doesnt prove anything.

    Science cannot reproduce this theory. Therefor it is not scientifically proven..

  9. Oh now I bet you're gonna ask where gravity comes from.

    The forces exist cuz they do!  Get it!  It's common sense!

    I'm Atheist!

  10. "others are where they were before or they have not changed much."

    I can tell you right now, you haven't looked much at all.  

  11. It proves two things:

    1. The god of the bible does not exist, because the claims of the bible are provably false (evolution is provable beyond all doubt - sorry to those too ignorant to have looked at the science who glibly and arrogantly claim otherwise)

    2. There is no need to invoke any other god to account for the complexity and diversity of life as observed.

    Evolution proceeds in response to constraints and pressures that impact survival to reproduce. Hence you would anticipate that some lines would differ profoundly from others because they encounter different constraints and pressures. For instance, early hominids migrated away from the regions of Africa where their common ancestors lived (we know this from fossil records) and hence faced different environments and predators. Evolution in other  words PREDICTS the things you think require a god.

  12. different things evolve at different rates.

    evolution is why antibiotics don't work as well  as they did twenty years ago.

    same with pesticides.

    also remember, there's not much difference between us and primates so maybe we did come from a common ancestor.

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