
Does the Democratic reaction to VP choice Palin prove that they really only pander to women?

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All I have heard since Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's VP choice is if Hillary was the Democratic VP choice Palin wouldn't be on the GOP ticket. To me this only proves that Liberals truely feel that women are not capable of being President but merely used as political pawns. Good for John McCain for showing that Conservatives are really the people who are concerned for all people!




  1. You are correct!  Hillary was, in NO way, qualified and I don't believe she (or her supporters) figured in his selection of Palin at all.

    I am more than pleased with this.

  2. Why do you think Hillary wasn't given the nomination?

  3. Yes, the fact is they know it is going to pull from their ticket and are mad and trying to down play the woman! Barry had to back peddle from his camps statement after they found out who McCain picked. Yet she is running for VP with more executive experience than her opponents Presidential pick! 143 working days in the US Senate and most of them he promoted his book and stumped for President! Experience the Democrats do not want to go there!

  4. They're scared to death. McCain has kicked their butt time after time.

  5. You may want to ask John Edwards this question! The reason Obama didn't choose Hillary is because they hate each other.The reason he chose Biden is so at least someone on the ticket will have some experience, since he doesn't.

  6. Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They don't even look at her as a Governor but as an object.

    It has been reported over and over that Obama pays his female workers less than their male counterparts.

  7. It proves thast McCain is PANDERING to women and you are with this question.

  8. No it proves McCain thinks women like myself lack a brain.  If McCain himself had a brain he would have picked Liberman.  I also adored him calling Tom Ridge "John" Ridge today.  Perhaps he was busy thinking about the mess he got himself into.  Back to Palin though, she is a poor excuse from John McCain.  Barack has a beautiful intelligent wife he didn't marry for money and two little girls.  (He also didn't cheat on her.) Democrats are pro-women republicans aren't.

  9. No it doesn't pander to women, because she is not concerned with women's interests.  She is actually anti-woman.  A friend had said if the qualifiers were to be a mother who hunts and supports hockey, we can find several people right in my home county Oneida, NY.  She does respond very well to fundamentalist Christians.  Kudos for them if she gets elected as VP, but bad for the rest of us.  This is also a response to McCain not being conservative enough, or what is the definition of that for the Republican party.

  10. McCain is pandering to women, and doing it for the right reasons...think about it, Women make up 52% of the population. He'd be foolish to ignore the ladies.

    I'm surprised it isn't standard procedure to have a man/woman ticket every election.

  11. i know i pander to women and done this my whole life

    that is where the *goodies* are..but maybe you are more like Bary?

  12. 'That makes no sense. Republicans are the ones pandering to woman by picking her while making reference to Hillary Clinton. Clinton has a million times more experience than Palin.

    Showing concern for woman means giving them equal rights and making sure they are paid equally to men. It means addressing their concerens. It doesn't mean taking some unqualified woman out of the backwoods of the Klondike to be a heartbeat away from running our country.

  13. I think it's true, but stupid of the Democrats to say it.  It doesn't help stating the obvious, they can't win any votes only lose votes to people who don't believe it.

    They can now not attack her:

    Lack of experience?  That's their Candidate for President

    Be mean to a woman?  That'll send enough Ohio soccer moms to sit out the election or vote for McCain

    It all comes down to how smart she sounds and if she can hold her own in debates against Biden.  If she loses and still looks smart against Biden, the Dems are doomed.

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