
Does the Design of an airplanes wings matter in how far,high,or, long they fly? Explain? Materials,Procedures?

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  1. Yes , very briefly - Bigger wingspan makes more lift which gives an aircraft a larger operating altittude , for example the learjets or gulfstreams usually cruise at 41,000 and plus. Wing shape also effects fuel efficiency , winglets , vortex generators...

  2. Slower planes usually have large, fat wings.  Faster ones have thinner, smaller ones.  Gliders have high aspect ratio wings, which means the span to the chord.  Span is width, chord is how wide the wing is.  Materials depends on weight and what the wing is going to lift.  What procedures are you talking about?

  3. You need to go to your local library or a book store and pick up a few textbooks on aerodynamics and aircraft construction.

  4. look on the internet about aerodinamics aircraft structure  especillay yahoo

  5. I recommend you read "Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators", available at Amazon or any pilot shop.  It is a tremendous resource and will answer all your questions, and probably some you haven't thought of yet.

  6. I'm with Jet Doc.  You're asking for about half the content of a degree program in aeronautical engineering, and this is no way to obtain all that.

    Go to the library and ask the librarian for help finding what you need.  In most schools nowadays it's called the "learning resource center," but it's still the same thing.

  7. Yes, the design of the wings does matter in how far, high or long airplanes fly.

    That apart, I agree with the answerers above, it would be better to consult standard engineering books for detailed study. It would be too much to ask someone to type a few hundred pages encompassing fluid mechanics, metallurgy and industrial engineering just for one person.

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