
Does the Fed.Gov. control the mainstream media to a degree?

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I noticed alot stories being buried...... for example; did you know the Pentagon along with big pharma tested chantix on our soldiers before it was approved by the FDA i saw this a month ago on yahoo headline and then 2 minutes later the story disappears.




  1. The question is a monumental under-statement.

    The media has become a weapon of class warfare used by the same elite freaks who pull the puppet strings of the politicians.

    This excellent film explains it in depth. It will knock your sox off.

    Orwell Rolls in Grave

    Please help get this film out there. Some bad things are coming down soon. Its too late to wake the sheeple up. At least if they learn how they are being manipulated by the power elite there is a chance they can protect themselves.

  2. Oh, of course.  

  3. You get snippits of censorship here and there.  There are stories like the one you described.  I think the best example is with wars.  Back in Vietnam, when Cronkite exposed the atrocities of the war, the public turned against it, leading to ending the war we shouldn't have been in the first place..  U.S. Government Solution? -- don't let the media into war zones anymore.

    Now, the media is only cleared to see areas approved by the military, where children are smiling and happy and all is well.

    It's just part of the process of a large government superseding itself.  The government decided it was bad for the public to see war -- so they don't let the media get its hands on it.  The government thinks it is bad for consumer spending if they know it's a recession -- so they don't tell them until its already passed.

    Very small steps at a time, the government is losing itself.  Why watch the news in the first place?  It's a disease.  I only get international news on CNN.  That's it.

  4. pretty much, America is becoming more and more totalitarian by the minute.

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