
Does the First Amendment cover the internet?

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I run a forum and we banned a member for a few different posts, then he used 'I was expressing my freedom of speech'. But, keep in mind, these posts weren't very user friendly.

A source would be a plus.




  1. No. It only applies to restricting Congress from passing laws which infringe on any of the rights described in the First Amendment. The member you banned is just one of the over 80% of Americans who have never read the Constitution.

    The member you banned also has to realize that his right to free speech does not impose an obligation on anyone to listen to him.  

  2. the first amendment only applies to the congress and public things. If its YOUR forum, u can ban anyone you want.

    for example, children aren't allowed to curse in school. Adults can be fired for what they say in the work place. Profess to be a n**i, and you can be kicked out of a restaraunt.

  3. It does cover the internet but freedom of speech, like any freedom, isn't absolute. Was your member posting things specifically calculated to raise hackles? What was the nature of the posts? Besides this though, it's your group. You have the right to ban anyone for any reason.

  4. The First amendment only applies to the Congress. But, considering it was your forum, you have the right to block anyone who threatens you, or anyone else in that forum. If you blocked him, that is because he is not allowed to express that kind of behavior under your rules.

    The only time he can say 'I was expressing my freedom of speech', was if the government, police, or any other government official/agency/politician was silencing him down physically, or verbally for some reason. An example would be like a cop telling some one to be quite, a politician wanting to block internet language, or any official trying to silence an individual for the high corruption of our government. Take care.

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