
Does the GIANT corporation you work for "Rob" people?

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Does the company you work for ROB people in the 'real' defintion? If people think companies are 'robbing' them why do they still buy things from them?

Challenge to all: Try to buy something from a company that does not make or does not aspire to make a profit & try to live in a manner anywhere close to as good as you do now. GOOD LUCK

Pronunciation verb, robbed, rob·bing.

–verb (used with object)

1. to take something from (someone) by UNLAWFUL force or threat of VIOLENCE; steal from.

2. to deprive (someone) of some right or something LEGALLY due: They robbed her of her inheritance.

Profits make our lives possible otherwise we'd still be riding horses & reading by candlelight.




  1. Yes .it is matter of robbing 'Peter to pay Paul'. If they don't do so ,they would not be able to pay our wages, left alone keep the business going.

  2. I work for a world wide giant corporation which grosses 9 billion dollars a year.

    Their net profit margin is only 5-6% which is a reasonable amount but it's still slim.

    A company that is going very well will realize a net profit margin of 10-12% which is not high in my mind.

    Most investers want a return on their money of at least 5% and would prefer 12% or more.

    Everyone looks at how much money they make but don't look at how much money they risk to make that 5-6% net profit.

    The people that complain about the money that they make aren't looking at the big picture.

    I will say that a lot of CEO's are taking too big of a slice of the pie.

    On the other hand the people who own publicly traded companies (the largest share holders) vote for those high salaries to be paid out.

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