
Does the GOP really think women are that shallow?

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do they think the female percentage of the 18 million hillary supporters are suddenly going to put aside their political values and jump to the other side just because a woman was nominated for vice president? doesn't say much for women, does it? do they really think women are that shallow? the gop sure is making it hard for anyone to continue to support them.




  1. It's not just about women.  It's about independents, social conservatives, change, and genuine reform.

  2. Apparently they do think women are that shallow.  Judging by the female Palin supporters I guess most women aren't seeing the incredible slap in the face we just received.  I wouldn't vote for that horrible man now if someone paid me to.  

  3. There is obviously a divide, the silly, shallow and uneducated, easily influenced morons who couldn't even spell politics. And then the intelligent, no BS accepting majority of hardworking women who will be delighted that there is a model for a successful and uncorrupted politician.

  4. Why not do a little research?

    Hillary Clinton doesn't have the experience Sarah has.

    Try keeping an open mind.....I thought you were interested in change?

    Biden is a old DC insider.  Obama doesn't even have an much experience as she does!

  5. The GOP is counting on all of you republicans to be as shallow as McCain is. Sad, but true!

  6. Unfortunately for McCain and Company, the country isn't absolutely conservative.  McCain's pick of Palin is going to alienate a large block of women voters who will not give others dominion over their bodies, as Palin is an abortion foe.  Also, I suspect the large group of young voters now coming up who are far more liberal than the general public may well be more highly motivated to turn out and defeat the GOPstapos, who represent the interests of plutocrats and the pugnaciously zealous religious right over the interests of the country as a whole.

  7. After Obama threw not only Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro, but also his own grandmother, under the bus, I suspect there are women who will find Sarah Palin a wonderful candidate.  Just as there were women who voted for Hillary Clinton in spite of some policy differences, so too will some women vote for Sarah Palin without agreeing with every single thing that she stands for.  Voters tend to look at the whole person.

  8. Shallow and stupid.

    McCain doesn't even know Palin.  He met her for the first time 6 months ago.  They've only met in person 3 times.

    After McCain saw how very successful the DNC convention was, he went to Plan C.

    After Obama's acceptance speech, within 24 hours he had called Palin and told her she had the job.

    All McCain is interested in is winning.  He doesn't care that Palin has only be a governor of 9,000 people for 21 months.  All he cares about is that she's a woman.

    Governing 9,000 people is a far cry from trying to govern 300 million.

    And women should be ticked off that McCain would be so condescending to them.  McCain has voted against women and their issues since he's been in the Senate.  Now all of a sudden he chooses a sportscaster journalist as his VP?

    Palin doesn't even stand for what Hillary stands for.  Hillary has fought for women's rights for most of her adult life.  Now McCain chooses a woman who will vote AGAINST women?

    He really does think women are shallow and stupid.

  9. Well, in a nutshell, yes.

    If Palin were a man who only had a little less than two years as governor under his belt, she would not have been considered.

    But, considering the GOP's stance on most women's issues, is it really that surprising?

  10. don't be so narrow minded,

    i switched my vote from obama to palin.....i mean mccain..

    i said months ago that Palin should be the first female president, y'all are just finding out now why..

  11. It is not that McCain has selected a women and all women will vote for her. Picking a women shows that McCain is not just about the same old fashion views of the republicain party. It makes us wonder if he is a new man and not the Bush we associate him with.

  12. How about looking at what she stands for as well?  She is an absolute conservative.  If she were a man he/she would still stand for everything the Republican base is looking for.  

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