
Does the HBK/Jericho feud remind you of an old school style feud out of the 80's?

by Guest67064  |  earlier

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Maybe out of the NWA...or WCCW...

I think it's going great..and it's my favorite feud in WWE right now.




  1. It reminds me of the Rockers feud Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Jannetty on The Barber Shop...

  2. Its better than the usual "girlfriend" angles or "spilled coffee" ones done in the past.

  3. Yeah its epic and it runs deeper than wrestling appeal to it now, the best heel vs face feud in the last year.

  4. no

  5. Couldn't have described it better myself.

    A good old-fashioned wrestling feud straight out of the 80's NWA.  Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes.  Magnum T.A. vs Tully Blanchard.  Wahoo McDaniel vs Jimmy Garvin.  Jimmy Valiant vs Paul Jones (and his army).  Tommy Rich vs Buzz Sawyer!

    Just two men battling to see who is the better man in an intense personal feud. No championships, no weak nonsensical storyline about some d**n thing or another getting in the way.

    Jericho and Michaels are awesome together.  No other present rivalry even comes close.

  6. If you do give him a h**l yea ^^

  7. for some reason it reminds me of the hulk hogan randy savage fued.

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