
Does the HHO generator for your vehicle really work? Please answer this if you have one on your car. ?

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Did you get more mpg's? Did you install it yourself? On a scale from 1- 10, 10 being the hardest; how hard was it to install?




  1. The provincial Canadian government and some US City Mayors are funding the hydrogen fuel injection units in the school buses and government vehicles to increase gas mileage and cut down on emissions such as CO2, CO, PM, NOx and HC. HFI units use a small amount of water, electrolyze it into HHO gas (two atoms of hydrogen and one atom oxygen) and inject it into the vehicle’s intake system.

    As far as modding new cars already made without them. Yes tons of people have with widely varying results based on the quality of the fuel cell and their ability to adjust the cars computer and sensors to use less fuel.

    Be aware reducing the fuel and keeping the same air flow will quite often cause the engine to run hot or burn exhaust valves or a piston. So the supply of HHO to take the place of the fuel removed by the vehicle computer is critical quite often. So be aware if you make these changes by mechanical means that can't be easily reversed and your HHO unit quits functioning for whatever reason you could be left on the side of the road.

    So test it repeatedly after installation before taking a long road trip and maintain the fuel cell! I can't stress that enough.


  2. The HHO does NOT work. The reason is that the current required to produce enough Hydrogen to make it work is more than your Alternator, or any automotive alternator, is capable of producing. The kits being sold on the internet are nothing more than a scam. The only people who save money are the people who sell them.

  3. hey, im a 16 year old from mt.vernon maine i am currently working on better way to make hho. i saw the idea from a friend that had one in is car; a hondia sonnata fuel injected. he went from 30mpg to about 65mpg. hs been running this in his system for about 6 months now and has had no problems with over heating. after i saw his model i went home and had a working proto type in like 45 mins. most of the time i was welding stainless steel washers together. 1 to 10 i give it a 3.5. im having a blast with the whole idea. i currently have a 5 horse homemade mini bike that runs completely on water. on gas i get about 50 mpg and about 45mph on water i get like 400 miles one about a gallon of water and can get an average of 68 mph. I M me if you want some pics of my hho.

  4. HHO in the type you are inquiring about do produce HHO and it will both aid your MPG and cause possible damage. Will the fuel boost productively make it worth while? Probably not so much as the electrical current required to produce it does cause drag and load on the engine. A ball park estimate (to avoid complex math) is it will require about 7 HP production from your engine to make the required 15 to 20 amps of continous HHO producing power. 7 HP will require about 2 lbs of gas an hour (roughly about 1/3 gal every hour).

    Short answer is. Its easy to install (about a 2 on a scale of 10)

    Is it worth the trouble and risk? Not in my opinion.

    However continuious experimentation and research will provide better answers to make it someday worth while and someone has to do it. Just don't use the family car.

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