
Does the Illuminati still hold power?

by  |  earlier

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Your opinion, do you feel the even exist?




  1. Absolutely. They are as secretive today as when they first started.

  2. Certainly, and they are Masters over

    our president, congress, supreme court

    military, police and most large corporations.

    The Bilderberg meeting last month in

    Chantilly, VA was their representation

    in the U.S., and they chose McCain and

    Obama as the presidential candidates.

    Both are members of the Trilateral Commission

    and the Council on Foreign Relations;

    front organizations for the World Bank, which

    is owned by the Illuminati. The more we learn

    about these cockroaches the more their

    psychopathic criminal acts come to light.

    Lately, grass roots organizations have begun

    to expose the heinous plans of these devils,

    such as releasing new diseases to wipe out

    all but 500 million of earth's people. Henry

    Kissinger is a member. So is David Rockefeller.

    So are the royal families of England, Spain and the

    Netherlands. They refer to common people as

    "useless eaters" and to men

    and women in the military as "stupid cattle".

    Research it. They have counted upon doing their

    dirt in secret. Evil is done in secret. Good deeds

    are done in the open, and the Illuminati are being

    revealed as what they are, criminal parasites

    feeding off the human race.

  3. Ya, they do. They comprise the richest Jewish families in the world, which are 13, like the US's Rockerfellers, in England there's the Rothschilds, in Germany there's the Bildenbergs. They are demented, criminally insane, control everything and work through the Zionist to keep the world crippled and suffering.

  4. If they do hold power, I really wish they'd use it to lower the gas prices. *sigh* Vacation is going to be very expensive...

    Oh,and I think that they do exist...maybe under the guise of Freemasons.

    They started out as the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1,1776. Check out Wikipedia

  5. No, and they never did.  That's why they're in the mythology section.

  6. Unfortunately yes. They do still hold power but they are not as  strong as they used to be as people are beginning to realize that Christianity is a lie perpetrated on the world by the illuminati for the purpose of removing our true spiritual powers and spiritual knowledge that is a threat to them.

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