
Does the John Birch society have much pull in the American political arena?

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I saw some talking head show on CNN with a guy from the JBS, wondered if anyone took them serious.




  1. Wow.... are those loony tunes still around?

  2. No, they do not.  They have been marginalized due to their extremist views over the last half century or so.  An the guy who said they were "too liberal" is full of it.  They are defined as conservative.

  3. Birchers and Flat Earthers remain alive, well and irrelevent in some corners of Texas and Alabama.

  4. Figures that CNN would try to make everybody think that those loons represent conservative opinions and thought.

  5. i dont think so ,but it was them that saw this sellout of America taking place today I believe they wherederided as cooks and conspiracy nuts but it seems they just had the timing wrong.

  6. Not much. The majority of United States Citizens now consider them to be too Liberal.

  7. None what so ever havn't for decades

  8. no and they haven't in 40 years.

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