
Does the McCain Campaign have a trick up their sleeves?

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The Choice of Palin makes absolutely zero since to me... it is flat out stupid, and has practically handed Obama the victory on a platter... and yet Karl Rove, who may be retired, has always been the king of scheme!

opinions please!!




  1. Republicans are shady by nature so you never know. And frankly McCain is not only too old to run for president, but he is too old to be so ignorant.

  2. palin was an ingenious move on McCain's behalf

    i think it ll tip in his favor

    the women that were disappointed in hilary's loss will want palin

    && if anyone tries to use the "inexperience card" they can turn around and point to obamas inexperience

  3. LOL Like what?

    And now for our opening act Sarah Palin will pull a 6th child from her womb.  

  4. YES!! They're competent candidates with the intelligence to run a country like America without trying to change it into f**king FRANCE! It MUST be a trick.

  5. On a silver platter?

    No comment...He, He.!!

  6. Someone gave me one idea, not sure if I agree with it or not makes some sense but who knows.

    The idea is that at exit poll time, when people come out and are asked who they voted for, they will say Obama.  Then when the votes come in for McCain, the media will say, why the big difference between exit poll and actual votes?  Oh it must be because people just SAID they voted for Obama but they are really disgruntled Hillary voters who voted McCain and female Palin.

    Of course it would be a lie, but a plausible lie to some.  Just one idea.  Palin makes no sense though, you are right.

  7. nope,palin was pretty much it.

  8. cancelling the convention to avoid hurricane embarrassment, picking a poster child for planned parenthood as vp, the dems can only hope for more surprises

  9. I don't know but they must be thanking the heavens for Gustav.  If they were forced to hold the RNC now, I would have to wonder what they would say about the current situation.  Now, with most focused on Gustav, they can hold off and rethink a plan.

  10. Who can trust Karl Rove ? He just looks like a n**i from the first Indiana Jones movie. Could it possibly be that he is what he appears to be?

  11. I think they are scrambling, McCain just sent a team up to Alaska.

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