
Does the Military let members of secret organizations slip through their fingers?

by Guest32245  |  earlier

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The answer to this is yes! If the ones involved are under Suspicion of other crimes that are considered much worse. Like other government organizations they will except bargaining agreements!




  1. You are completely right in your assumptions... however, by posting here, people in the shadows *will know* of your intentions against them. After all, do you think this site isn't monitored, or something?

    Those government organizations have been watching us for quite a while, playing us like pawns in a game of chess. However, there *are* some things you can do to prevent them from getting to you.

    First off, take a baseball cap, and line it with average store-bought tin foil. This will prevent their mind-control rays from affecting you.

    Be sure to show this technique off to everyone you know. After all, the masons and the lizard men are always watching to see who's a defector, and you don't want your friends and family getting sucked in to being brainwashed by them.

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