
Does the Mysterious Anthrax case prove that 9/11 was an inside job?

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bill lumberg - nice answer seems like you are among the misinformed and misguided sheep baahhh baaahh !




  1. Unfortunately it doesn't prove anything except the government and media lie. Either directly or by implication the media and government attempted to brainwash people to believe there were Arab terrorists behind those 2001 anthrax attacks.

    It is more evidence that the war on terror is grossly overblown to the point where it could almost be called a hoax.

    I doubt that Ivins' death was suicide. Why now? And why now is the media deciding to run with the story. The deniers will believe the "he acted alone" theory because the media will keep repeating it as often as it takes.

  2. No, but this question proves you are lacking in critical thinking skills.

  3. Very basic science can disprove nearly all the conspiracy theories, except those that couldnt be disputed anyway because they are unprovable.

    For instance, using the formula 1/2MV2, we find that the force of the airliner hitting the building was the equivalent of the effect the entire side of the building would have endured being hit by FIVE 13.4kt nuclear bombs (Weight of airliner: 250k lbs typical load, 350k maximum. speed at impact: 350mph or 156m/s in this case).

    It also shows us that one single floor falling onto the floor beneath it causes a force of 4800 tons, far more than any of the floors are designed to take (each floor was 1000 tons, and the acceleration of gravity is 9.8m/s/s, multiplying the weight of the floors by 4.8 times for every story they fall)

    So, If the force of several small atomic weapons and a fire cannot cause a single floor to collapse, what the h**l else could? Even the 6,000lb bomb that was blown up in the basement of the WTC back in the 90's only cracked one of the supports. If an airliner hitting with the force of 71500 tons of TNT couldnt cause the destruction of the core, collapse of a floor and the subsequent collapse of the rest of the building, then what could? Nothing. There is not a weapon in existence, that can concentrate more force than an Airliner can. Period. Even a sabot round from an Abrams tank concentrates only 1/3 the force per square inch (on a very very small area), and that can pierce feet of steel, sending molten metal flying out the other side.

  4. Prove?  No.  Bring the debate up once again?  Most definitely.

    cheney and co. wanted war at all they got it is the true mystery.

  5. It's just another entry on a long list. Doesn't really prove anything by itself, but when taken with all the other suspicious details, it certainly justifies measured skepticism about what the gov't is telling us, to say the least...

  6. No.  Please explain the leap in logic that leads you to this conclusion.

  7. yes, Yes, and YES.

    Living in America with all the ignorant sheep makes me want to drive my skull into walls of concrete. I can't for the life of me understand how so many people can be SO stupid.

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