
Does the Nascar Sprint Cup series "need" a female driver?

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  1. NASCAR has had female drivers before.  And anyway, they don't have one at the Cup level now and still probably have more fans than NHRA and Indy combined, so I don't think so.

  2. The one guy is right. There is already a female driver in NASCAR with Dale Earnhardt jr.

  3. They already have one, her name is Dale Earnhardt Jr.

  4. Interesting question, Smokey.

    I think it could be a positive thing to young girls, and I think it would bring diversity to the sport.

    Unless she ends up like Danica Patrick, while I have nothing against Danica she seems to have Anna Kournikova syndrome, more of a pretty face than an athlete, I think that sends the wrong message, if a female wants to drive, drive.

    Corporate sponsorships are all fine and dandy, but if it's intent is to use s*x appeal, I don't think it's beneficial to either young girls watching, or the sport itself.

    Just my opinion.

  5. I don't think it "needs" one, but I'd personally like to see a few, and more ethnic drivers too, for that matter. It'd be great for young girls to have a role model, and to see someone like myself racing. It'd definitely be good for NASCAR marketing. More support for NASCAR means I get to see more racing.

    I don't want a Danica that just uses her s*x appeal and not her driving skills.

    I don't think it's as easy as saying that when a woman or an ethnic driver comes along that's good enough, they'll get in. A lot of good drivers now don't make it in, because they don't know the right people or have good equipment or aren't in the right place at the right time or aren't "marketable." If it's that hard for the typical white guy, how much harder is it going to be for an outsider?

  6. danica

  7. men need a women to put them in their places, just like a woman drivin in the Sprint Cup. it would push the men to do better than exceeded. just a little push; thats all you need to give them.

  8. Wouldn't a female driver be like a female NFL player?  I think women should expand their horizons and dominate in a man's world but some things are just good the way they are.  In the past there have been women in NASCAR they just have not made it very well.  It is a male dominated sport and the kind of physical make up you need in those cars is from a man.  Sorry girls.

  9. as soon as one proves that she can drive in the cup series im sure she will be there.Erin Crocker, Shauna robinson they have tried and not made much of a splash. I'd like to see Sarah Fisher try i think shes an underated driver with alot of talent

  10. They sure do !!!!!

  11. Yes...Me

  12. then it will be more fun when people ask what NASCAR drivers do when they have to urinate (or menstruate)

  13. NO

  14. Let's see: The fastest growing segment of NASCAR fans is women right now. Do women want women in the sport? Only if they can be competitive. Do not put a women in the series just to get the media attention. Make sure she can keep up with the boys. The cup series is very difficult to race. Look at how hard it is for drivers to win at that level! I think the owners need to get women in the development driver pool and see if they can make it at that level first. Can they handle the new car? I do not know. The drivers say they have to stay on top of the wheel. This can be more difficult for women because we do not have as much  natural upper body strength.

  15. There is a real simple answer to all of these question like; Does NASCAR need a woman, or a black driver? As soon as they are good enough, they'll get there!! NASCAR doesn't need anything except people who can drive stock cars fast! Who ever that might be, bring them on!

  16. A female driver is not "needed', but it would pull in young women and a new group of fans.  Change is good!!!

  17. Nobody's needed because of their s*x, skin color, religion, etc.  Everyone should have the opportunity though.

  18. Well I don't think they "need" a female driver, but at the same time it'll help with their female demographic.

  19. I think Danica Patrick would be great for NASCAR. Most of the female drivers in the past have had bad equipment and few sponsors. Danica would only drive for a top team and sponsors would flock to her. It would help the sport appeal to more people, plus she is nice looking as well.

  20. YUP!

  21. Does Ray Everham need a new girlfriend

  22. Apparently, goth chick, and steven j have Dale Jr mistaken for Kyle"Whine Like a Little Girl" Busch.

  23. "Need" it? No. Will it bring a lot of positive attention? Yes.

  24. no we dont need a female driver in the cup, is one in the nation wide and she is not that good,

  25. yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes

  26. It isn't surprising that Nascar is one of the last all male series because it is the hardest. Other forms of motorsports take less experience and fewer skills. This has been proven by the "open wheel invasion".

    Women will be in Nascar but they will work their way up through the ranks and that takes time.

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