
Does the Nikon D300 have point and shoot capabilities?

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What I am asking is would anyone be able to pick it up and make "good" photos. Is there an auto type function?

I know that the camera is much more than P&S but I also know this feature makes it more versitile to everyone.





  1. With P (Program) mode and full autofocus, anyone can take a basic shot with a D300.

    BUT, be sure you teach the borrower the correct technique to hand-hold the dslr (right hand on body and left hand under lens).  I've seen way too many people handing their dslr's to strangers (take a picture of us, please) and watched as they held the camera body the same way one would hold a compact digital.  One ooops, and you have a very expensive paperweight.  Be sure they always use the neckstrap and teach them how to use the zoom and how to compose.

    Frankly, a D80 or below would be better for loaning out to novices, as they have more automatic modes.

  2. NO!

    and a bit of yes...

    I can config my D300 and hand it off to my wife, who then can take great photos.

    But even in P-mode, you have to adjust such things as ISO... and the flash won't come up automatically.

    If you want to learn DSLR systems, then start out with something like the D60, which has a green auto setting, and work your way up!

    There are 3 parts to taking good photos - the person taking them, the camera they use, and the glass... Of course others will argue differently!

  3. Of course!

    In fact, I often hand my D80 or D100 to my granddaughter (just turned 4).  It's in Program mode, auto focus, ISO 400, with the flash popped up.

    She does great with it!

    Same's true for my daughter (who's obviously older than her daughter) and my wife (who's a little older than both of them.)

    In other words, any quality DSLR set in P and auto focus is going to perform very well under most circumstances -- regardless of who is using it!

    Show them how to zoom the lens and squeeze the trigger ... and they're good to go!

  4. Lol?

    Most- if not all cameras have an auto function, even the most professional cameras, the manufacturers know that some people have a lot of money to spend, and don't know how to use it for the best, so they give an ' auto ' mode. And, i'm positive that the nikon d300 has an auto mode.

    Honestly, the DSLR is really for those who can use the manual mode, and understand the differences between the aperture and shutter and so forth. What sense does it make to get a 1,500$ camera, and you're only going to use the auto mode, and not get creative?

    Yes, it has point and shoot capabilities, but no, it's not a point and shoot camera at all, it's a ' prosumer ' camera, that's aimed towards the people who are almost pros. And pros. don't use the ' Auto ' Mode. But, if you thousands of dollars to spend, why not get the d300?

  5. Honestly if you want a point and shoot go with the nikon cool pix, the nikon coolpix has more options for someone who wants a point and shoot. I have the D200 and it would be a waste if i put it in automatic....and even when i have tried out that mode things dont always look good. Also the price you will pay is quite absorbant and the d200 or d300 or and DSLR is much larger and heavier than any point and shoot

  6. Well I guess if you put it in the program mode, auto focus turned on as well as the VR lens function, sure.  If going for the total P&S deal they can turn on the Live-View (handheld mode ... not tripod mode) and hold this over 2 pound camera at arm's length and see what happens.

    But as with any camera, it will not take the "best" composed photo for you, that is up to the 12 inches behind the camera ... always.

  7. Whoa!    I would never loan my DSLR camera to anyone!   If you do, be very careful who uses it.  Or you are going to be back here crying that your friend dropped your camera and now it's broken.  Make sure they know how to use it, and that they ALWAYS use the neck strap.  You may already know this, but I just wanted to warn you.

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