
Does the Obama Movement remind you of the film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" ?

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Does the Obama Movement remind you of the film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" ?




  1. No.  

    Anymore silly analogies?

    Obama/Biden 08

  2. More like Starship Troopers where your brains are sucked out.

  3. No, but consider Swarzenneger, you might use that title to describe him.  

  4. No, I'm more reminded of the mastery of political discourse from the likes of Joseph Goebbels.

  5. Wow! I was just watching that on "Stars" this morning! How weird! Yes, it DOES now that you mention it. All these mindless zombies walking around... and people saying "That's NOT my husband...".. doubt... We need to start checking our backyards for alien plant pods.

  6. No but watching McCain and all the antics in this election reminds me of THE TRUMAN FILES...

    Besides half those ridiculous bodies in the USA should be abducted by aliens and never returned!!!


  7. The McCain movement reminds me of Soylent Green; which is where are economy is headed if he and the beauty queen are elected...

  8. No but Mccain reminds me of the guy from on Golden Pond

  9. Why, yes. Yes, it does now that you mention it.  

  10. Yes.

  11. No. Mr. Cloudy Thought

  12. Yes.  Good one.  Pod People. Hee!

  13. "Inflation by the snotty bachelors"?

    [adjusts glasses]


    yes, yes it does.


    on both counts.

  14. The body snatchers took bodies. Obama steals peoples brains.  

  15. hmmmm.... yes, as a matter of fact, it is very similiar.  Good observation.  Or, it could be the followers are like the zombies in Dawn of the Dead.... grunting and growling and following aimlessly for no good reason.

  16. That's it, they sure do.

  17. Everything Liberals support reminds me of one horror movie or another.

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