
Does the Orkin Man really strike fear into the hearts of roaches?

by  |  earlier

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I have roaches in my garage, but I have never seen any in the house. We set out motels, but they don't seem to work as well as we expected. I want to know if Orkin is a respectable exterminator, or if there are other/better alternatives...




  1. I have had orkin and clark. My orkin man came every month, and although he got rid of the ants and roaches, he couldnt get rid of the earwigs. The clark guy comes every other month, and all my bugs are gone. Also clark, their spray smells good. Like peppermint. Not bug spray!  Their price was the same. Also, if they spray and bugs come back before their next visit is due, they come back for free.

  2. orkin are supposed to be top notch and are supposed to be the best in getting rid of your bugs any kind i would rely on them if i had to call pest control that's who i would call.

  3. they are i guess but most of them exterminators are about the same  just check them out before you hire them  just call your better business bureul  

  4. Go to the super market and look for Boric Acid powder in the insecticide aisle. Sometimes it will have a name associated with roach control. This is non toxic to humans and is THE best roach control you can get. sprinkle it along the base of the walls and around entrances. It will take a week or two but it will definitely eliminate the roaches and it's a heck of a lot cheaper than a pest control company. It's the ONLY thing the county agricultural agents recommend for roach control and works against other bugs also.


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