
Does the Ouija board work better if a Christian Virgin uses it?

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I heard that it does? I also heared that if you made a Ouija board that a virgin have to drop blood on the board in order it for it to work. I made one and a very nice one by the way. ;) IF THATS TRUE, WHY!?! and if the whole christin virgin thing too.. WHY




  1. They work, and you dont have to be any of that stuff to use it, my friend and her mom use it, and it works fine

  2. Only if the Christian virgin is a very gifted psychic.  Blessed be.

  3. Some one is filling your head with non-sense........... Now what I am recommending is that you forget about the blood and forget about that Ouija Board........................

  4. Ouch, tough subject.  If you're serious about this line of study, let me know.  It is interesting, but not for just anyone.  Also, my sense of humor often gets misread and that leads to problems.

    Ouija Boards are just tools.  Like guns, knives, pencils, cars, and tons of other things.  They are put out like a game by companies who do not care about the people who play them or what happens to those who are misguided enough to get hurt by them.  Without you, the board will not work.  Its that simple.

    The virgin blood thing goes way back to the days when swords were thought to have life.  When forged, they were dipped in blood to cool and give them life.  Even today, most men consider blood life.  

    Honestly, I have never heard this myth before.  I will say it is false based on the fact that of all the people I know using them, no blood has ever been used on them.  In fact, finding a Christian Virgin would be akin to finding hen's teeth.  I'm not trying to be crude, but virgins are very rare today, and the Christians I know would never use such a "tool of the Devil."  Finding both, then pricking her finger to use the board, well, I don't see it happening within my area.  Today, Christian girls are extremely rare, thanks to the way their parents raise them.

    I would like to see what you made, simple because I have seen some beautiful works of art out there.  Show it around and you might be able to sell the design and make some money.  The days of the simple cardboard game are gone.

    You have three items rolled into one here.  The first is about Christians.  This hangs on the faith part, assuming they live what they preach.  The Virgin part handles a myth and a reality part, which can be interesting and funny.  I get an impression from you, and would like to omit some of the items that might be offensive, even if factual, about parts.  Depending on how well you know men, I'm sure you'll understand the ego issue of the average male and what HE assumes a superior male would want. I hate to deflate his ego, but the facts don't stand up to his image.

    The blood issue is old.  As I said before.  Blood is life and acceptable to the gods and demons as payment.  Blood has been used to sign pacts, pay debts, promote life, and so on.  

    If you aren't bored easy, and are serious about such issues, let me know.  I'll be glad to write, or let you write me, and pass on what I know.  I've been thinking about getting some people together to study the occult, and might be able to figure this yahoo stuff out. :)

  5. No, it doesn't.  And you don't need to use blood.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.  

  6. Are you one of those people who believe anything they're told? Be like the creaters and make up your own ideas to scare others!!!

  7. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Ouija boards don't really work.  You see, what it seems like is that two people put their hands on the slider and ask a question and then the slider will move itself and answer the question.  This is a trick.  What happens is that the person showing the other person the board is the one moving the slider.  The person being shown the board thinks there is a supernatural power controlling the slider, but really it is the other person.  Sorry, it's all a fake.  The only time Ouija boards really work is with ghosts and spirits, but the chance of there being a ghost around is very very slim.

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