
Does the Perfect push-up work better than lifting heavy weights while benching?

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does the perfect pushup actually work better than weights and if so how. I have used it and in 5 to 10 days my chest feels fuller and looks bigger, why does it work better than lifting weights at making your chest bigger even when I max out at bench press at about 290. Also I am about 9 percent bodyfat or less so I know that my chest isnt looking bigger because I have lost fat.




  1. depends what u want, i doubt your chest is any bigger, maybe leaner but not bigger, any workout where your just using your body, it will just make u lean, but almost impossible u make u bigger because to get big u need to lift heavy, so depends what u want, wanna b lean? or wanna b big?

  2. Yes, hence the word "perfect".

  3. working out is better, are u a guy or a girl tho? i mean bcuz u say u bench 290.

  4. 5-10 days your chest feels fuller and looks bigger? Sounds like you should keep your day job working for Perfect Pushup, llc.

                  I workout 6 days a week here in Iraq with about 500 other big knuckle draggers on this base and we have a set of those things and I've NEVER seen them used in the gym ONCE. I bench about 340 lbs and after bench I keep my chest rounded out by incline dumbell presses with 80-90lb dumbells using proper form. Going back to pushups might lean out my muscle rather than give me the mass I have now. Theres no way in 5-10 days thats going to happen, however.

  5. Look, you got that off of a TV. You really believe that?

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